Schuyler County Illinois Obits – Page 8

Schuyler County Obituaries – Page 8

Death Notice for Mrs. Vista STAMBAUGH
The Rushville Times, December 26, 1907
    While making the rounds of the rural route on Mondaywe received the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. Vista Stambaugh,wife of Alvin Stambaugh, residing 1 1/2 miles east of Bader, after an illnessof about two weeks with a complicated fever. She passed away about 11 o’clockon Sunday morning. Besides two little children she leaves a husband, amother, three brothers and four sisters, together with a host of friendsto mourn her loss to the beloved family. We extend our heartfelt sympathy.Funeral services were held at 10 o’clock on Tuesday, after which the remainswere laid to rest in the Bader cemetery.

Obituary for Melissa J. PRICE RAY
The Rushville Times, December 26, 1907
    Death came at 2 o’clock p.m. Friday, Dec. 13, asa respite to the suffering of Mrs. Adam Ray of Bluff City, at the age of63 years, 10 months and 23 days. She had been ill for the past severalweeks and from the very start her condition had been regarded as serious.Tho blind for the past five years she bore her afflictions patiently untilthe end. Her demise was due to a complication of diseases, together withadvanced age.
    Miss Melissa J. Price was born in Schuyler countyon Jan. 18, 1844. She was united in marriage to Adam Ray, March 13, 1864.To this union six children were born, one dying in infancy. Those survivingare Mrs. Thomas Graham of Peoria, Mrs. Harry Shaw of Bluff City, John ofWoodland township, George of Peoria and Zelma of Bluff City.
    There survive besides her aged companion and childrentwo borthers, Geo. Price of Bushnell and Wm. Price of Sheldon’s Grove,and four sisters–Mrs. Malinda Fisher of Sheldon’s Grove, Mrs. Laura Sherrillof Browning, Mrs. Lavina Smith of near Rushville and Mrs. Geo. Parks, ofWoodland township.
    She united with the Primitive Baptist church atMt. Zion in 1895 and lived a faithful member until death.
    The funeral services were held at the family residencein Bluff City at 10 o’clock Sunday morning, Dec. 15, and was attended bya large assemblage of relatives and friends.
    Rev. G. W. Murrill of Winchester, pastor of thePrimitive Baptist church, officiated. He spoke in the highest terms ofthe exemplary life and work of Mrs. Ray.
    The body was laid to rest in the Price cemetery.

Obituary for Mrs. Kesiah SHERRILL
The Rushville Times, October 31, 1907
    Mrs. Kesiah Sherrill, a former resident of Browningtownship, died at her home in Virginia on Tuesday of last week at the advancedage of eighty-four years. John Sherrill of Browning is one of the threesurviving children.
    The decedent was born in Indiana, but removed toIllinois in 1830, and has been a resident of Virginia, Cass county, forthe past quarter of a century. She was married to Isaac Sherrill in Schuylercounty in 1849, and to them were born nine children, three of whom survive,namely: Mrs. Tabitha Witcher of Canton, Ill., John Sherrill of Browningand James Sherrill of this city, together with twelve grandchildren andtwenty-one great-grandchildren. Her husband died in 1862, while servingas a soldier in the civil war. Mrs. Sherrill was a devout member of theChurch of Christ, from which her funeral was held Thursday afternoon, Rev.Benj. N. Mitchell officiating. Interment in Walnut ridge cemetery.

Death Notice for Thomas WINGO
The Rushville Times, December 31, 1907
    Thomas Wingo, an old resident of Rushville, diedat his home in this city Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock. Mr. Wingo was sixty-sevenyears of age and had been ill for several months. The funeral serviceswill be held this morning at 10 o’clock at the residence.

Obituary for Mrs. Cyrena FOWLER NELSON
The Rushville Times, October 31, 1907
    Vermont Union: Mrs. Cyrena Nelson died at her homeFriday, Oct. 18, aged 58 years, 11 months and 20 days, after an illnessdating back about two years. After suffering for several months with gallstones she was taken to the St. Francis hospital in Macomb, where she underwenta very severe operation last October, which proved successful but was soonfollowed by a kidney ailment from which she suffered for months and finallyresulting in her death.
    Miss Cyrena Fowler, daughter of Catherine and JesseB. Fowler, was born Oct. 28, 1848, in Schuyler county, Ill. She was unitedin marriage with John Nelson, Nov. 13, 1870, he having departed this lifeeight years ago. There were eleven children born to this union, nine daughtersand two sons–Mrs. Katie Kennedy, Clara, Mrs. J. R. Bertholf, Alta, Edith,Alice, Annie, Maria Elizabeth, Laura Fern, Ralph Waldo, and Jesse Ward–tenof whom remain to mourn her loss, Alta having died in infancy. She is alsosurvived by four grand children, two brothers, Peter S. Fowler of Colchester,Ill., and Chas. D. Fowler.

Death of Mrs. Alice A. HINTON RECORDS
The Rushville Times, April 22, 1915
    Mrs. Chas. Hinton and Mrs. Everett Hinton and babe,of Virdin, arrived here Monday morning in response to a message announcingthe death of Mrs. Alice A. Records of Freemont, Neb., daughter of the lateJohn B. Hinton, who died April 17th. Her remains will arrive in Frederickon Wednesday. Interment in the Messerer cemetery in the afternoon, withshort services at the grave.

The Rushville Times, April 29, 1915
    Mrs. Carl D. Bowman of Medford, Oregon, Claude Records,P. E. Hinton and Miss Jessie Hinton of Fremont, Neb., who accompanied theremains of Mrs. Alice Hinton Records to Frederick for interment, and havebeen visiting the past week at the home of Thos. S. Hodgson, departed fortheir homes Tuesday.

Death Notice for W. T. HAYES
The Rushville Times, April 22, 1915
    W. T. Hayes, who engaged in the saloon businessin Rushville for several years, died in Havana on Thursday of last weekof consumption. The remains were taken to Monmouth for interment.

Death Notice for Lem EWING
The Rushville Times, April 22, 1915
    Lem Ewing, a farmer near Hamilton, committed suicideby shooting himself thru the breast with a shot gun. He was 40 years ofage and leaves a wife and child.

Death Notice for Tim SMITH
The Rushville Times, April 22, 1915
    Tim Smith the well-known horseman of Galesburg,dropped dead a few days ago in his sulky while giving one of his horsesa workout on the race track near Aledo, where he had them in spring training.

Death Notice for Robert BERRY
The Rushville Times, April 22, 1915
    Robert Berry, farm hand, was found dead in his bedat the home of William Walters, five miles north of Table Grove last week.Berry had not been in ill health, as far as learned, and the finding ofhis lifeless remains came without any warning whatever.

Obituary for Mrs. Sarah HARRINGTON ALLPHIN
The Rushville Times, April 22, 1915
    Mrs.Sarah Allphin, whose maiden name was Harrington,was born near Charleston, West Virginia, May 6, 1829, and died at her homein Camden, April 17, 1915, aged 85 years, eleven months and eleven days.
    When she was seven years of age she came from WestVirginia to Illinois with her parents who settled near Rushville. She wasunited in marriage with Luke P. Allphin, Dec. 8, 1853. More than fiftyyears these two walked life’s pathway together. The heavenly Father blessedthis home with three daughters: Mary Elizabeth Young, who has resided withher mother and most faithfully cared for her in her recent illness; MargaretMelissia Austin, of Berkeley, Calif.; and Frances Columbia Binkley, ofGolden, Colorado.
    Grandma Allphin was blessed with a long life, muchof which was spent in blessing the residents of Camden who have been associatedwith her. Only three of the people who were residents of Camden when shecame now remain. Fifty infants were dressed by her and more than that manydead have been lain out by her own hands. Her greatest joy was the resultof her service to others and when she found herself too weak to do thisservice she was anxious to pass to the new life.
    Those who will miss her are three children, twostep-children, seven grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, and hostof friends.
    Grandma Allphin united with the M. E. church inCamden soon after her marriage. She was a faithful member of the same untilthe time of her death.
    Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2:30o’clock at the Methodist Episcopal church in Camden, conducted by Rev.Dennis U. Park; interment was in the Camden (west) cemetery.

Robin Petersen  Obituary for June HINDMAN ROUDEBUSH
 The Rushville Times, March 6, 1947
Mrs. Lee Roudebush Died in Los Angeles Feb. 16
    Mrs. June Hindman Roudebush, widow of Lee Roudebush,whose early life was spent on the Hindman homestead farm northeast of Rushville,died February 16 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Lash, of LosAngeles, Calif., after a long illness. Mrs. Roudebush was born in Schuylercounty, March 24, 1883, and was the daughter of Samuel and Julia Hindmanof Ray community. She spent her early life on the farm with her parents,and at the age of 18 was united in marriage with Henry Lee Roudebush, alsoof the Ray community. They moved from Illinois in the year 1916, and wentto North Dakota, where they farmed for many years, and where Mr. Roudebushpassed away in Grafton, ND in 1931. June Roudebush and family left NorthDakota in 1941 to make their home in Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Roudebushhad been in ill health for a year preceding her death. She is survivedby one daughter, Mrs. Don Lash, of Los Angeles; four sons, Eugene and Robertof Los Angeles, Eldon of Grant’s Pass, Oregon, George who is serving withthe army signal corps in New Jersey; five grandchildren, Beverly June andRobert Wayne, son and daughter of Robert Roudebush, Eldon Reid and ElvonLee, twin sons of Eldon Roudebush, and Frank Eugene, son of Mrs. Don Lash.Services were held at the Utter-McKinley chapel, February 20, at 2:30 p.m.,conducted by Rev. Earl W. Haney, minister of the First Presbyterian churchof Eagle Rock, of which Mr. Roudebush was a member. Interment was in ForestLawn Memorial Park, Glendale, California.

  Obituary for Arvin Neal ANDERSON
The Rushville Times, December 8, 1999, page 15, column 6
    Arvin Neal Anderson, 77, of Vermont, died Wednesday,Dec. 1, 1999, at McDonough District Hospital in Macomb.
    He was born Sept. 3, 1922, in Vermont, the son ofGlen and Mabel Sparks Anderson. He married Rose Graham on Aug. 6, 1941,in St. Louis, Mo. She survives. Also surviving are one daughter, SherellQazzaz of Farmington, Mo.; one son, Jeff Hinderliter of Vermont; and fivegrandchildren.
    He was preceded in death by one son, Dr. WendellAnderson, and one sister, Juanita Weiding.
    He attended Vermont public schools and lived andworked in or around Vermont all of his life. He was an Army National Guardveteran. In 1983, he retired from AMAX Coal Company.
    He was a member of the Vermont Lodge 116 A. F. &A. M. and the Vermont United Methodist Church, where services were heldSaturday, with Rev Jerry Sawyer officiating. Masonic services were alsoheld by his lodge. Burial was in the Vermont Cemetery. Kost Memorial Homewas in charge of arrangements.
Memorials may be made to Vermont Methodist Church, American CancerSociety, or Shriners Hospitals for Crippled Children.

  Obituary for James “Wilbur” BEATTY
The Rushville Times, December 8, 1999, page 15, column 5
    James “Wilbur” Beatty, 85, of Canton, died Saturday,Nov. 27, 1999, at Graham Hospital in Canton.
    Born Feb. 26, 1914, in Rushville to James E. andEmma Nora Davis Beatty, he married Ferne C. Carr on Oct. 16, 1948. Shedied in 1972. He married Lucille Carver on Nov. 19, 1977. She died in 1994.
    Two brothers also preceded him in death.
    Surviving is one niece, Mrs. William (Mary Lou)Moore of Canton.
    A member of Canton American Legion Post 16 and CantonVeterans of Foreign Wars Post 1984, he was a World War II Army veteranwith the rank of sergeant, serving as a bomb salvage tech-nician in thePacific Theater.
    He was a retired coal miner, working many yearsat Buckheart and Banner coal mines.
    He was a member of Canton Moose Lodge 784, MasonicLodge 154 in Georgetown, 40 et 8 Voiture 812, Ansar Shrine in Springfieldand Danville Consistory.
    He was of the Baptist faith.
    Services were held Wednesday, Dec. 1, 1999 at Murphy-SedgwickMemorial Home in Canton. Burial was in Rushville City Cemetery in Rushville.Memorials may be made to First Baptist church Food Panty in Canton.

  Obituary for Dwight ANDERSON
The Rushville Times, December 29, 1999, page 11, column 1
    Dwight Anderson, 93, of Vermont, died Sunday, Dec.26, 1999, at Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.
    He was born Jan. 18, 1906, in Schuyler County, theson of Herman and Nellie (Rose) Anderson.
    He married LaNona Etter on Nov. 3, 1936, in FultonCounty, Ill. She died Sept. 28, 1994. He also was preceded in death byone grandson, five brothers and two sisters.
    Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Ronald (Lita)Hampton of Rushville and Sandra Cobb of Pawnee; five grandchildren; sevengreat-grandchildren; and one sister, Ruth Chapman of Rushville.
    He was a 50-year member of the Vermont Lodge No.116 A.F. and A.M. and was a self-employed truck driver for 50 years andalso farmed.
    Services will be at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 29,1999, at Shawgo Memorial Home in Astoria with the Rev. Kevin Kessler officiating.Visitation will be one hour prior to service at Shawgo Memorial Home, withMasonic service at 2:30 p.m. Burial will be in the Vermont Cemetery.
    Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association.

  Death Notice and Obituary for Henry F. AVERILL
The Rushville Times, December 22, 1999, page 11A, column 3
    Henry F. Averill, 81, of Lewistown died Monday,Dec. 20, 1999, at Methodist Medical Center in Peoria. Services are pendingat Shawgo Memorial Home in Ipava.

The Rushville Times, December 29, 1999, page 11, column 4
    Henry F. Averill, 81, of Lewistown, formerly ofIpava, died Monday, Dec. 20, 1999, at Methodist Medical Center in Peoria.
    He was born Jan. 24, 1918, at Duck Island in BannerTownship of Fulton County, the son of Arthur A. and Daisy (Lingenfelter)Averill.
    He married Wanda Parr April 16, 1955, in Canton.She died Sept. 30, 1987.
    He is survived by one son, Arthur (wife, MaryAnn)Averill of Peoria; three daughters, Edith Atwater of Ipava, Mrs. Sheldon(Yvonne) Zaborac of Canton and Mrs. Rodney (Patricia ) Burke of Rock Springs,Wyo.; 11 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
    He was a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church inLewistown.
    He was an army veteran of World War II and was employedas a small arms repair-man for the Illinois Army National Guard in Springfield,retiring in 1978.
    Funeral services were Thursday, Dec. 23, 1999, atShawgo Memorial Home in Ipava with the Rev. Robert O’Connor officiating.Burial was at Maryville Cemetery in Bryant. Memorials may be made to theAmerican Cancer Society.

  Death Notice and Obituary for Clara M. KOOP SURRATT
The Rushville Times, December 22, 1999, page 11A, column 2
    Clara Surratt, 71, of 421 S. Congress St., Rushville,died Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1999, at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield. Arrangementswill be announced later by the Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville.

The Rushville Times, December 29, 1999, page 11, column 5
    Clara M. Surratt, 71, of Rushville, died Tuesday,Dec. 21, 1999, at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield.
    She was born May 22, 1928, in Ackley, Iowa, to thelate Jake and Nellie Schroeder Koop.
    She married Wendell E. Surratt Jan. 23, 1953, inAckley, Iowa.
    He survives, along with one son, Allen “Wayne” Surrattand wife Wanda of Jacksonville; one daughter, Brenda Arlene Behrends ofVirginia; seven granchildren; four great grandchildren; one brother, JakeKoop Jr., and one sister Anna Fleckes, both of Ackley, Iowa.
    She was preceded in death by one brother, one sister,and her parents.
    Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m. Friday,Dec. 24, 1999, at the Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville with Rev. RobertKirkham officiating. Burial was in the Rushville City Cemetery. Memorialsmay be given to Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.

  Obituary for Ida M. BLODGETT CAMP
The Rushville Times, December 29, 1999. page 11, column 3
    Ina M. Camp, 82, of Astoria, died Wednesday, Dec.22, 1999, at Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.
    She was born Nov. 13, 1817, in Isabell Township,Fulton County, the daughter of Russell C. and Cassie Foutch Blodgett.
    She married Willard C. Camp on Oct. 28, 1939, inKahoka, Mo. He died Nov. 15, 1997.
    She is survived by one son, Roger (wife, Sheila)Camp of Midwest City, Okla.; one sister, Thelma Lockard of Canton and fourgrandsons.
    She was preceded in death by an infant son, Brian,and one sister, Mary Sepich.
    She was a member of the Astoria Christian Church,Sunshine Club (serving as recording secretary), and the Illinois RetiredTeachers Association. She was a teacher for 32 years in and around Astoria,retiring in 1985.
    Funeral services for Mrs. Camp were Monday, Dec.27, 1999, at the Astoria Christian Church, the Rev. Gary Sheets officiated. Burial was in Astoria Cemetery. The Shawgo Memorial Home of Astoria wasin charge of services. Memorials may be made to the Astoria Christian Church.

  Obituary for Kate E. HERREN HAPKE
The Rushville Times, December 29, 1999, Page 11, column 5
    Kate E. Hapke, 91, of Rushville, died Friday, Dec.24, 1999, at Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.
    Born Fraukea Etje Herren Aug. 16, 1908, in Pea RidgeTownship, she was a daughter of Hinrich H. and Johanna Decker Herren. Shemarried Victor E. Hapke Sept. 21, 1920. in Quincy. He preceded her in deathMay 3, 1989.
    She was a member of Good Shepherd Lutheran Churchin Clayton and for many years had been a member of Holy Cross LutheranChurch in Golden.
    Survivors include a son, Marcellus Hapke of Rushville;a daughter, Wanda Leenerts of Clayton; a sister, Minnie Redenius of Golden;a brother, Albert Herren of Clayton; four grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren;and a great-great-grandson.
    She was preceded in death by two brothers, Harmand John Herren; and a sister, Maggie Shepherd.
    Services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Dec.29, 1999, in Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Clayton by Rev. Donald Busboom.Burial will be in Mt. Horeb Cemetery near Golden. Hunter Funeral Home inGolden is in charge of arrangements. Memorials may be made to Good ShepherdLutheran Church.

  Obituary for Florence E. KING AGANS
The Rushville Times, January 5, 2000, page 13, column 1
    Florence E. Agans, 96, of Macomb, died Thursday,Dec. 30, 1999, at McDonough District Hospital in Macomb.
    She was born Sept. 16, 1903, in Schuyler County,near Rushville, the daughter of Adam and Lydia Egbert King.
    She married Earl Agans on Dec. 15, 1921, in Macomb.He preceded her in death on March 13, 1987.
    She is survived by three daughters, Frances Pharesof Macomb, Mrs. Pauline Canavit of Rock Island, and Mrs. Bob (Gladys) Franceof rural Industry; two sons, Edward Agans of Bushnell and Wayne Agans ofMacomb; 19 grandchildren; 32 great-grandchildren; nine great-great-grandchildren;and one brother, Kenneth King, of Galesburg.
    She was preceded in death by her parents, husband,two sons, Gerald and Robert, six brothers, Elmer, Eddie, Artie, Alfred,Fred and Clarence King, four sisters, Helen Buck, Gladys Junhke, HazelRasenow, and Doris King.
    She had lived her early life in Rushville. She thenmoved to Frederick, and then to Macomb in 1929. She had worked for RainbowCleaners for one year in 1937. She also worked for Hillyer Cleaners andSweeney Cleaners for 17 years, and for the dietary department at McDonoughDistrict Hospital for three years. She was a member of the Assembly ofGod Church in Macomb for many years.
    Funeral services were Monday, Jan. 3, 2000, at theClugston-Tibbitts Funeral Home in Macomb.  Gene Fields officiatedand burial was at Forest Lawn Memory Gardens in Macomb. Memorials may bemade to a church of the donor’s choice.

  Obituary for Orlie K. ATWATER
The Rushville Times, January 5, 2000, page 13, column 4
    Orlie K. Atwater, 97, of Heritage Manor NursingHome in Mt. Sterling, formerly of Ipava, died Thursday, Dec. 30, 1999,at Heritage Manor Nursing Home.
He was born Oct. 9, 1902, in Ipava, the son of Burleigh and Della (Gilson)Atwater. He married Edith Mae Jones on April 26, 1928, in Lewistown. Shedied Oct. 7, 1953.
    He is survived by three daughters, Juanita (husband,Robert) Clark of Bella Vista, Ark., Jeanette (husband, Dean) Hulvey ofMt. Sterling and Marcia (husband, Bennie) Salisbury of Centralia, Mo.;one son, Larry of Canton; one brother, Dwight of Astoria; 16 grandchildren,35 great-grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren.
    He also was preceded in death by one daughter, JoanneWilloughby, four brothers and two sisters.
    He was a farmer in the Ipava area all of his life,also worked for the railroad and re-tired from Navistar in 1964.
    Funeral services for Mr. Atwater were Saturday,Jan. 1, 2000, at Shawgo Memorial Home in Ipava, with the Rev. Kevin Kesslerofficiating. Burial was in lpava Cemetery.

Robin Petersen  Death Notice for Rumsey Winona HINDMAN
The Rushville Times, October 20, 1881
Rumsey Winona Hindman
    Mr. & Mrs. S. B. Hindman, of this vicinity,mourn the death of their only child, a bright little boy, aged 3 yearsand 6 months, who died of membranous croup on the 9th inst.

  Obituary for H. Richard BLANSETT
The Rushville Times, December 8, 1999, page 15, column 3
    H. Richard Blansett, 77, of Sciota, died Sunday,Dec. 5, 1999, at his home.
    He was born Oct. 6, 1922, in Chicago to Harold andMary Moores (Decker) Blansett. He married Leona Hickman on Oct. 25, 1942,in Missouri. She survives.
    Also surviving are two sons, Gary Blansett of Macomband Wayne (wife Roberta) Blansett of Sciota; one daughter, Mary Ann Elderof Arlington, Texas; eight grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and onebrother, Bob Blansett of Macomb.
    He was preceded in death by his parents and onegreat-grandchild.
    Richard lived in Sciota for 43 years, where he farmed.He was a member of the Sciota Christian Church, Good Hope-Sciota LionsClub and was a Marine Veteran of World War II.
    Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday,Dec. 8, 1999, at the Clugston-Tibbitts Funeral Home in Macomb with Rev.Tim Platt officiating. Burial will be in Forest Lawn Memory Gardens inMacomb. Memorials may be made to either the Sciota Christian Church orthe McDonough District Hospital Hospice.

  Obituary for Shirley M. DANNER BOLLINGER
The Rushville Times, January 5, 2000, page 13, column 5
    Shirley M. Bollinger, 79, of Vermont, died Friday,Dec. 31, 1999, at Culbertson Memorial Hospital in Rushville.
    She was born Dec. 4, 1920, in Lyons, Neb., the daughterof Harry W. and Susan A. (Siler) Danner.
    She married Harold F. Bollinger on April 17, 1937,in Lewistown. He preceded her in death Jan. 29, 1998.
    She is survived by two daughters, Sondra Winstonof Beardstown and Harriett Rhoades of Astoria; four sisters, Betty Fryeof Swan Creek, Rose Davis of Astoria, Mrs. Jack (Joan) Parr of Table Groveand Sylvia Wise of Swan Creek.
    She also was preceded in death by two sisters.
    She worked at the Vermont Foundry for 30 years,retiring in 1983.
    Cremation has been accorded and internment of cremainswill be at a later date.
    Shawgo Memorial Home of Astoria is in charge ofarrangements. Memorials may be made to the Astoria Township Cemetery Association.

  Obituary for Rosemary M. ROBBINS CARRIGER
The Rushville Times, January 5, 2000, page 13, column 4
    Rosemary M. Carriger, 59, of Beardstown, died Wednesday,Dec. 29, 1999, at her residence.
    She was born Aug. 27, 1941, in Beardstown, the daughterof Agnus Robbins. Mrs. Carriger was a homemaker and had also worked asa nurse’s aide for several years.
    She always enjoyed collecting owls, but her greatestjoy was spending time with her grandchildren.
    Survivors include one son, Chance Huff of Jacksonville;three grandchildren; and one sister, Patricia Robbins.
    She was preceded in death by her parents.
    Graveside services were held Sunday, Jan. 2, 2000,in the Beardstown City Cemetery. Sager Funeral Home in Beardstown was incharge of arrangements.
Memorials are suggested to her grandchildren’s education fund.

  Obituary for Raymond E CROTTS Sr.
The Rushville Times, December 8, 1999, page 15, column 2
    Raymond E Crotts Sr., 49, of Dunfermline, died Sunday,Dec. 5, 1999.
    He was born in Peoria on June 1, 1950, the son ofLeroy and Irma (Pickel) Crotts.
    He married Mae Powell April 25, 1987, in Canton.She survives.
    Also surviving are one son, Raymond Crotts, Jr.,of Peoria; one step son, Ryan Reith at Home; two daughters, Lorena Crottsof Carbondale and Amy Crotts of Creve Coeur; and two brothers, Billy Crottsof Princeville and Tommy Crotts of Stronghurst.
    He was preceded in death by his parents and onebrother.
    He was a truck driver for Maytag Appliance in Galesburgand had been a member of Teamsters Union 627 since 1970. He had been amember of the Buckheart Fire Department since 1976 and was a member ofFarmington Moose Lodge 1571, P.P. Gun Club of Browning, Ducks Unlimited,and was a newly-elected trustee for the Village Board of Dunfermline.
    Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec.9, 1999, at Murphy-Sedgwick Memorial Home in Canton with the Rev. RustyBeals officiating. Burial will be from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday at the memorialhome. Burial will be in Highbridge Cemetery in Dunfermline. Memorial contributionsmay be made to the Buckheart Fire Department.

  Obituary for F. Viola HADSALL EASLEY
The Rushville Times, January 5, 2000, page 13, column 6
    F. Viola Easley, 80, of Camp Point, died Friday,Dec. 31, 1999, at Blessing Hospital in Quincy,
    She was born Nov. 24, 1919, in East Alton, the daughterof George L. and Feena M. (Glowner) Hadsall.
    She married Carl Easley on March 12, 1950, in Hoopston.He survives.
    Also surviving are four brothers, Harrel (wife,Joanie) of Hannibal, Mo., John (wife, Virginia) of Lewistown and Samuel(Wife, Gale) of Myakka City, Fla.; three sisters, Mary Hughes of MasonCity, Mrs. Fred (Berneice) McKane of Columbia, Mo., and Irene Hulme ofCamp Point.
    She was preceded in death by five brothers and onesister.
    She was a member of Faith Baptist Church of CampPoint.
    She had been employed as a welder at Seneca Boatyard in Ottawa, and had worked at the Boss Glove Factory in Peoria andas an Amway Distributor.
    Funeral services were Monday, Jan. 3, 2000, at ShawgoMemorial Home in Astoria with the Rev. Tom Robbins officiating. Burialwas in.Astoria Cemetery.  Memorials may be made to Faith Baptist Churchof Camp Point.

  Obituary for Oscar V. GREEN
The Rushville Times, December 15, 1999, page 15, column 1
    Oscar V. Green, 84, of Table Grove, died Friday,Dec. 10 at his residence.
    He was born April 31, 1915, in Fulton County, theson of John Edward and Susie Elizabeth Simpson Green. He married DorothyFoster on June 5, 1941, in Kahoka, Mo. She died Sept. 4, 1987.
    He is survived by one daughter, Beth Green Horwedelof Petersburg; one son, Gary Foster Green of Table Grove; four grandchildren;and a long time special friend, Dixie Johnson of Macomb.
    He was a lifetime farmer, an avid bowler and a retiredinsurance agent.
    Funeral services were Tuesday at Kost Memorial Homein Vermont with Rev. Tim Ashley officiating. Burial was in Harris Cemeteryin Table Grove. Memorials may be made to the Table Grove Fire and RescueSquad.

  Obituary for James L. HAARE
The Rushville Times, December 29, 1999, page 11, column 3
    James L. Haare, 74, of 507 West South Street, Astoria,died Sunday, Dec. 26, 1999, at Memorial Medical Center in Springfield.
    He was born Aug. 3, 1925, in Astoria, the son ofWilliam H. and Blanche W. (Fry) Haare.
    He married Sherrill Hezlep on Feb. 28, 1954, inLewistown. She survives.
    Also surviving are one son, Robert (wife Shelley)Haare of Astoria; two daughters, Mrs. Larry (Sherrill Ann) Phillips ofRushville and Mrs. Gale (Susan) Duckwiler of Summum; five grandchildren;four step-grandchildren; two great-grandchildren and two brothers, Harold(Bud) W. Haare of Morrisonville and Aubrey W. Haare of Mesa, Ariz.
    He was preceded in death by two brothers.
    He was a farmer, retiring in 1962, and was a supervisorfor Astoria Fibra-Steel, retiring in 1979.
    Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Dec.29 at Shawgo Memorial Home in Astoria. The Revs. Gary Sheets and MarianStone will officiate. Burial will be in Woodland Cemetery. Memorials maybe made to the Astoria Rescue Squad.

Robin Petersen  Death Notice for Christian ROUDEBUSH
The Rushville Times, January 9, 1890
    Christian Roudebush, an old settler of this county,died last Sunday of general debility, at his residence 6 miles northeastof Rushville, in his 88th year.

  Obituary for Calvin H. HUNTER
The Rushville Times, December 29, 1999, page 11, column 2
    Calvin H. Hunter, 88, of Rushville, died Sunday,Dec. 26, 1999, at Snyder’s Vaughn-Haven Nursing Home in Rushville.
    He was born Nov. 20, 1911, in Abingdon, the sonof the late Kirk N. and Anna (Cope) Hunter. He married Mildred Eyler Gibbon Feb. 5, 1960, in Rushville.  She survives. Also surviving are onestepson, Paul Gibb of Boston, Mass., and one step-daughter, Jane Gibb Pickett(husband Steven) of Sleepy Hollow.
    He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother,Eldon, and a step-daughter, Mary Gibb.
    He served in the U.S. Air Force from 1942 to 1946.He and a friend owned and operated New-Hunt Stables in Greensboro, N.C.,for a time after his discharge from the service. He returned to Galesburg,where he was the owner and operator of Cal’s Cars and was also the ownerof a body shop there for 14 years. He was partnered with his wife in Gibband Cal’s Car Sales in Rushville from 1960 to August 1987. He later ownedand operated Cal’s Car Sales from 1987 until his retirement in 1991. Hewas one of the original members of the board of directors for SchuylerState Bank in Rushville from 1965 to 1997. He was a member of the FirstPresbyterian Church in Rushville where he served as an elder and deacon.He also served on the Schuyler County Fair Board and was a member of theSchuyler American Legion Post #4. He enjoyed car races and traveling. Heauthored a book, “Cal’s Comments on Living,” originally published in December1981.
    Funeral services will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday atthe First Presbyterian Church in Rushville with Rev. Alice Davenport officiating.Burial will follow in the Warren County Memorial Park in Monmouth. Visitationwas Tuesday at the Wood-Roby Funeral Chapel in Rushville with militaryrites by Schuyler American Legion Post #4. Memorials may be given to theH.E.L.P. Center or the Phoenix Opera House and Community Center, all inRushville.

  Obituary for Jaye LUTZ JENICAN
The Rushville Times, December 1, 1999, page 5, column 3
    Jaye Jenican, 41, of Laguna Beach, Calif., diedMonday, Nov. 29, 1999, at the home of her mother in Rushville.
    She was born March 26, 1958, in Santa Ana, Calif.,to William Lutz and Jean Leichliter Lutz.
    She is survived by her mother of Rushville, herfather of Las Vegas, Nev.; a daughter, Katlyn Jenican of Laguna Niguel,Calif.; her maternal grandmother, Mabel Leichliter of Gahanna, Ohio; twosisters, Ellen Weaver of Ennis, Mont., aud Luanne Bressler of McAllister,Mont.
    She was preceded in death by her maternal grandfatherand both paternal grandparents.
    She graduated from California State University inFullerton, Calif.
    Cremation has been accorded. Memorial services willbe announced at a later date. Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville isin charge of arrangements.

  Obituary for Charlotte A. THOMPSON JONES
The Rushville Times, December 1, 1999, page 15, column 1
    Charlotte A. Jones, 48, of Rushville, died Sunday,Nov. 28, 1999, at BroMenn Regional Medical Center in Bloomington.
    She was born April 19,1951, in Beardstown, the daughterof Dwight Leslie and Lillian (Luttrell) Thompson.
    Surviving are her mother of Rushville; three daughters,Mrs. David (Traci) Kimball of Auburn, Carrie Jones of Springfield and KelliJones of Rushville; one grandson; two sisters, Mrs. Jim (Jeanne) Woodruffand Mrs. Tom (Lori) Swan, both of Rushville. She was preceded in deathby her father.
    She worked for C F Motorfreight in Springfield forthe last four years before being transferred to Bloomington recently.
    Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday atthe Wood-Roby Funeral Chapel in Rushville with Rev. Scott Henley officiating.Burial will follow in the Rushville City Cemetery. Visitation will be from6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Wood-Roby Funeral Chapel in Rushville. Memorialsmay be given to the Kelli Jones Education Fund in care of Rushville StateBank.

  Obituary for Elzada BAUMGARTNER MARKLEY
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, December 1, 1999, page 15, column2
    Elzada Markley, 86, of Canton, died Sunday, Nov.28, 1999, in Canton.
    She was born Sept 9, 1913, in Kerton Township, FultonCounty, to Hart and Carrie Markley Baumgartner.
    She married Dayle D. Markley on Feb. 17, 1934, inAstoria. He died Dec. 30,1998.
    She is survived by three daughters, Carol L. Welkerof Canton, Mrs. Gene (Carolyn) Bollinger of Canton and Mrs Bill (Sara)Webb of Loveland, Colo; one son, Robert (wife, Connie) Markley of Pekin;four sisters, Opel Milleson of Winter Garden, Fla., Norene Derry of Peoria,Mrs. Robert (Emily) Curless of Astoria and Wilma Weber of Canton; 11 grandchildren,13 great grandchildren and one great great grandson.
    She was a member of the Evangelical Free Churchin Canton, taught Sunday School for many years, was Sunday School secretaryand served on the Christian Education Board for many years. She was a homemaker.
    Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Dec.1, 1999, at Shawgo Memorial Home in Astoria with the Rev. Curtis Foss officiating.Burial will be at Mount Zion Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Spoon RiverHospice or to her church.

  Obituary for E. Janet McGOVERN
The Rushville Times, December 29, 1999, page 11, column 4
    E. Janet McGovern, 76, of Beardstown, formerly ofRushville, died Monday, Dec. 27, 1999, at the Heritage Manor East NursingHome in Beardstown.
    She was born Nov. 14, 1928, in Rushville, the daughterof Leo and Cornelia Snyder McGovern.
    She was preceded in death by her parents, one son,Jimmy Lee Landers, and one brother, Bobby McGovern.
    She is survived by several cousins.
    She was employed as an inspector for Olin Corporationin Alton for 29 years, retiring in 1972.
    Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursdayat the Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville with the Rev. Rick Colbertofficiating. Burial will be in the Rushville City Cemetery. Visitationwill be from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Memorials may be madeto the Cass-Schuyler Area Hospice.

  Obituary for Edward A. “Whitey” NORVELL
The Rushville Times, January 5, 2000, page 13, column 5
    Edward A. “Whitey” Norvell, 65, of Meredosia, formerlyof Mt. Sterling, died Saturday, Jan. 1, 2000, at Passavant Area Hospitalin Jacksonville.
    Born April 16, 1934, in Missouri Township. BrownCounty, to Curtis E. and Edna M. Keith Norvell, he married Mary Proffitton Feb. 1, 1992, in Pittsfield. She survives.
    Also surviving are one stepson, Phillip KopplemanJr., of Jacksonville; two daughters, Susan (Michael) Clay of Pomona Park,Fla., and Nancy (Mike) Prodoehl of Orange City, Fla.; one step-daughter,Hope Osborne of Jacksonville; one brother, John (Maureen) Norvell of EastPeoria; three sisters, Betty (Ernest) Fluckey and Carolyn (David) Mooreof Mt. Sterling and Shirley (Gary) Pruden of Versailles; three grandchildren;and many nieces, nephews and cousins in the local area.
    Preceding him in death was one son, Edward NorvellJr.
    He worked for L.E. Meyers Construction as a foremanfor many years, retiring in 1997. He was a former vice president of JohnEdwards Construction Co.
    He was a member of Hardin Lodge 44, AF&AM, inMount Sterling. He also was a 32nd Degree Mason and a member of QuincyConsistory. He was a member of First Christian Church of Mt. Sterling.
    Services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Hufnagel-GrahamFuneral Home in Mt. Sterling. The Rev. Julie Allison will officiate. Burialwill be in Mt. Sterling Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Meredosia RescueSquad, 119 S.Washington, Meredosia, IL 62665.

Tammie Orr Brown  Obituary for Tommie B. ORR
The Rushville Times, December 8, 1999, page 15, column 1
Cass County Star-Gazette, Thursday, Dec 9, 1999
    Tommie B. Orr, 93, of the Astoria Healthcare Center,formerly of Rushville, died Monday, Dec. 6, 1999, at Culbertson MemorialHospital.
    He was born May 16, 1906, in Rushville to the lateDelvan and Lillie Lawler Orr. He married Twila M. Thomas, Jan. 29, 1948,in Palmyra, Mo. She survives, along with three sons, Phillips Orr, JamesLee Orr, and Dennis Orr, all of Rushville; three daughters, Mary Ann Wadeof Canton and Norma Sue Atwater and Rita Mae Gray, both of Rushville; 14grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
    He was preceded in death by three brothers, Harvey,John Henry, and Warren; and three sisters, Laura Orr, Sarah Goodwin andLillie Orr.
    An Army veteran of WW II, he was a self employedfence builder until retiring.
    Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesdayat the Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville with Rev. Wayne Bonser officiating.Burial will be in the Rushville City Cemetery with military services conductedby Schuyler American Legion Post #4.

  Obituary for Margaret MERCER PALMER
The Rushville Times, December 22, 1999, page 11A, column 3
    Mrs. Margaret Palmer, 92, of Vermont died Tuesday,Dec. 14, 1999, at McDonough District Hospital in Macomb.
    She was born June 4, 1907, the daughter of Charlesand Harriet Cash Mercer on a farm south of Vermont
    She married Eugene Palmer. He preceded her in death.
    She is survived by one sister, Neva Mercer of Vermont.
    She was a teacher in Vermont and in Oak Park.
    Cremation rites have been accorded by Kost MemorialHome in Vermont, and graveside services were Friday at the Vermont Cemeterywith Rev. Tim Gilliland officiating. Memorials may be made to the VermontLibrary or to the charity of the donor’s choice.

  Obituary for Vera Pauline MALCOMSON PATE
The Rushville Times, January 5, 2000, page 13, column 4
    Vera Pauline Pate, 70, of Falmouth, Ky., formerlyof Schuyler County, died Dec. 28, 1999, at her home.
    She was born June 9, 1929, in Frederick in SchuylerCounty, the daughter of Paul Glenn and Nettie May Rose Malcomson.
    She married George Joseph Pate.  He survives.
    Also surviving are two daughters, Shelia Brightof Rushville and Beth Bright of Keystone Heights, Fla.; four sons, TommyPate of Falmouth, Ky., John Hall of Beardstown, Ill., Richard Hall of Leesburg,Va., and Erik Pate of Bradford, Ark.; and one sister, Ellen Gust of Versailles,Ill., 11 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.
    She was preceded in death by her parents, one brother,James William Malcomson and one daughter, Laura Marx.
    She was a loving wife and mother whose central interestwas her family. She was happiest when all gathered for birthday or holidaycelebrations. She was dedicated to their happiness and well being. Herpride in them all was always apparent.
    Funeral services for Mrs. Pate were Thursday, Dec.30, 1999, at Peoples Funeral Home in Falmouth, Ky., with the Rev. Don Maysofficiating.

  Obituary for Guy ROBERTSON
The Rushville Times, December 15, 1999, page 15, column 3
    Guy Robertson, 77, of rural Browning, died Thursday,Dec. 9, 1999, at his residence.
    He was born April 15, 1922, in Browning, to thelate Fred and Ethel McFetridge Robertson. He married Fairy RittenhouseSept. 9, 1946 in Canton. She survives, along with one daughter, Mrs. Gary(Marsha) Jones of Browning; two grandchildren; five great-grandchildren;one brother, Keith Robertson of Browning; and one sister, Mrs. Maude Leightonof Canton.
    He was preceded in death by seven brothers and onesister.
    An army veteran of World War II, he was woundedin action in Italy, receiving the Purple Heart and three bronze battlestars. He worked for McDougall and Hartman Construction Co. of Peoria formore than 35 years, retiring in 1983.
    He also served three terms on the Schuyler CountyBoard from December of 1986 until November of 1998. He was a member ofthe Schuyler American Legion Post #4 and Vermont Masonic Lodge 116 A. F.& A. M.
    Graveside funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Sundayat the Browning Cemetery with Rev. Jim Shirley officiating. Graveside militaryservices were conducted by Schuyler American Legion Post #4. The WorthingtonFuneral Home in Rushville was in charge of arrangements. Masonic serviceswere conducted at the funeral home by Vermont Lodge 116. Memorials maybe given to the American Cancer Society.

  Death Notice and Obituary for Norman D. ROBINSON
The Rushville Times, December 8, 1999, page 15, column 6
Norman D. Robinson, 60, of Houston, Texas, formerly of Rushville, diedat 4:35 a.m Thesday; Dec. 7, 1999, at his residence. Arrangements willbe announced later by Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville.

The Rushville Times, December 15, 1999, page 15, column 2
    Norman D. Robinson, 60, of Houston, Texas, and formerlyof Rushville, died Tuesday, Dec. 7, 1999, at his residence.
    He was born Sept. 28, 1939, in Rushville to thelate Marcus L. and Henrietta Campbell Robinson.
    He is survived by two sisters, Phoebe Jackson ofMacomb, Mrs. Charles (Doris) Distefano of Pearland, Texas; one brother,Sterling L. Robinson of Lake Charles, La.; and several nieces and nephews.
    He also was preceded in death by a brother, EdwinRobinson.
    Mr. Robinson was of the Baptist faith. He graduatedfrom Rushville High School in 1957, and received his bachelors degree inmathematics from Western Illinois University in Macomb in 1963. He laterearned his masters degree in school administration from Western IllinoisUniversity.
    He taught school four years in Ashland, two yearsin Industry, and three years at Edison Junior High School in Macomb.
    He moved to Houston, Texas, in 1971 and taught atSeabrook Intermediate Junior High School in Seabrook, Texas, four years,where the last two years he was head of the mathematics department.
    During this time he also started A & R. Ceramicswith O. D. Armstrong. He sold the business in 1986. He then resumed teachingadvanced mathematics at Pasadena High School in Pasadena, Texas, retiringin January of 1998.
    He was named in Who’s Who of American Teachers.An outstanding pitcher, he played softball for Rushville State Bank andthe Union National Bank of Macomb teams. He also bowled for WheelhouseTV in Rushville.
    Funeral services were held Saturday at the WorthingtonFuneral Home in Rushville with Rev. Marvin Chockley officiating. Burialwas in the Rushville City Cemetery. Memorials may be given to the AmericanCancer Society.

  Obituary for Betty J. HERRON ROGERS
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, December 1, 1999, page 15, column3
    Betty J. Rogers, 73, of Astoria, died Tuesday, Nov.23, 1999, at the Heritage Manor South Nursing Home in Beardstown.
    She was born Feb. 3, 1926, at Beardstown, the daughterof Huey and Henrietta (Turner) Herron.
    She married Laurence O. Rogers June 24, 1944, inBeardstown. He died Oct. 17, 1998.
    She also was preceded in death by one sister, GladysBruning, one infant brother, and one infant sister.
    Surviving are one son, Larry (wife Kathy) Rogersof Springfield; one daughter, Sue Ann (husband William) Herrick of Troy,Mo.; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and four brothers, Thomasand James Herron of Beardstown; Donald (Duck) Herron of Chandlerville,and Dick Herron of Jacksonville.
    She was a member of the Summum Christian Church.She had worked at Beardstown Glove Factory for 15 years, then for PAG SeedCo. of Astoria until her retirement.
    Services were Friday, Nov. 26, 1999, at Summum ChristianChurch. Burial was at the Astoria Cemetery. Shawgo Memorial Home in Astoriawas in charge of services. Memorials may be made to the American HeartAssociation.

  Obituary for Loren Frederick SCHIEFERDECKER
The Rushville Times, January 5, 2000, page 13, column 3
    Loren Frederick Schieferdecker, 96, of Eureka, formerlyof Rushville, died Sunday, Jan. 2, 2000, at the Rosewood Care Center inEast Peoria.
    He was born Jan. 15, 1903, in Adams County, theson of the late Fred J. and Anna (Miller) Schieferdecker. He married DorothyGrace Fisk Gray on July 18, 1956, in Reno, Nev. She survives.
    Also surviving are one stepson, Darrell Gray (wifeSandra) of Eureka; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and onesister, Grace Fano of Cleveland, Ohio.
    He was preceded in death by two sons, Edward andRobert; one daughter, Anna Trone; two brothers, Roy and Elmer Schieferdecker;and two sisters, Lena Greene and Edith Anderson.
    He farmed for many years and worked at Bartlow Brothersin Rushville. He worked at Armour Meat Packing in Peoria for 10 years.
    Funeral services were Tuesday at the Wood-Roby FuneralChapel in Rushville with Rev. Ken Yocum officiating. Burial was in RushvilleCity Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the Schuyler County Youth Center.

  Obituary for Sarah Margaret SELF DONALDSON
The Rushville Times, August 14, 1929 in part.
    Sarah Margaret, daughter of Jason and CatherineByers Self, was born in Texas County, Mo., Sept. 22, 1853, and passed awayin Bainbridge Twp. where she had resided for 43 years, Aug. 10, 1929.
    At an early age, during the Civil War, she, withher parents, made an overland trip to Texas in a covered wagon drawn byoxen, residing there only a short time.  When she was 14 years ofage they came to Illinois.
    In her girlhood days she was converted and baptisedinto the Union Baptist Church at Sugar Grove and although home duties anddistance has kept her from attending there, she has ever been a readerof her Bible and lived a true Christian life.
    In October 1873, she was united in marriage to JamesA. Donaldson, who preceded her in death 13 years ago. She is survived by10 children: Mrs. John A. Ward of Rushville; J. Walter of Vincennes, Iowa;Mrs. C. A. Ward, Mrs. Henry Kirkham and Mrs. Albert Caldwell, all of Beardstown;Timothy of Rushville; Edward of Frederick; Jason, Mary and Berton residingat home; one step-daughter, Mrs. J. S. Bell of Beardstown; 16 grandchildren;eight great-grandchildren; three brothers, James and William Self of Beardstown,and Luther Self of St. Louis, Mo.
    The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Rippyat Sugar Grove Church, interment in Lang-ford Cemetery. Pallbearers wereher nephews: Charles, Monroe, Perry, Robert, Denny and George Self.

  Obituary for Ann COLLINS SHERWOOD
The Rushville Times, December 8, 1999, page 15, column 4
    Mrs. Ann Collins Sherwood, 70, of Table Grove, diedWednesday, Dec. 1, 1999, at McDonough District Hospital in Macomb.
    She was born June 10, 1929, in Peoria, the daughterof A. Edward and E. Edith Clems Collins. She first married Robert L. Jonesin January 1950. She later married Thomas M. Sherwood Aug. 17, 1960, inHumboldt, Iowa. He died June 14, 1999.
    She is survived by two sons, F’rank C. Jones ofHalf Way, Mo., and John E. Jones of rural Macomb; one step-son, ThomasE. Sherwood of East Port, Idaho; four grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and one brother, Rex C. Collins of Macomb.
    She was a graduate of Monmouth High School and IllinoisState University in Normal. She was a special education teacher in DodgeCity, Kans., from 1959-1966 and Farmington from 1969-1984, before retiring.
    She was a member of the Women’s Auxiliary for Post413 American Legion in Table Grove, Illinois Association of Retired Teachersand the Tab1e Grove Community Church, where funeral services were Saturday,Dec. 4, 1999, with Rev. Tim Ashley officiating. Burial was in Harris Cemeteryin Table Grove. Kost Memorial Home in Vermont was in charge of arrangements.Memorials may be made to the Table Grove Fire and Rescue Squad.

  Obituary for James SHOUSE
The Rushville Times, December 29, 1999, page 11, column 4
    James Shouse, 62, of Branson, Mo., formerly of Rushville,died Dec. 17, 1999, at his home.
    He was born June 21, 1937, in Beardstown, the sonof Eugene and Opal Shouse. They are both deceased.
    He is survived by his wife, Edna Glaub Shouse ofBranson; two daughters, Mrs. Gordon (Linda) Scoggan of Walls, Miss., andMrs. Nick (Pam) Bergmann of Salem; two sons, Ron (wife, Tammy) of Clintonand Dan of Rushville; three stepsons, Ed and Johnny Glaub of Bloomingtonand Lenny Glaub of Leroy; three sisters, Mrs. Leonard (Dorothy) Lashbrookof Centralia, Mrs. Jerry (Kay) Bateman of Florida and Mrs. Don (Mary) Provencherof California; four brothers, Gene (wife, Lucille) of Rushville, Bob (wife,Ellen) of North Carolina, Richard (wife, Nan) of Texas and John of NewYork; 12 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
He was the owner of Rocketland Cleaners in Rushville from 1977-1984.
    Funeral services for Mr. Shouse were Tuesday, Dec.21, at the Carmody-Flynn Funeral Home in Bloomington with his son-in-law,Rev. Gordon Scoggan, officiating. Memorials may be made to Community Hospice.

  Death Notice and Obituary for Rev. Donald E. SKILES
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, December 1, 1999, page 15, column2
    The Rev. Donald E. Skiles, 95, of Colchester, diedMonday, Nov.29, 1999, at Argyle Lake Nursing Center in Colchester. Servicesare pending at Shawgo Memorial Home in Astoria.

The Rushville Times, December 8, 1999, page 15, column 3
    Rev. Donald E. Skiles, 95, of Colchester, died at5:40 p.m. Monday, Nov. 29, 1999, at the Argyle Lake Nursing Center in Colchester.
    He was born April 22, 1904, in Browning Township,Schuyler County, to James Allen and Rose Ann (Stambaugh) Skiles.
    He married Garnet Clark on Nov. 6, 1924, in Browning.She preceded him in death on Oct. 8, 1997.
    He is survived by one daughter, Evangeline (Ray)Allen of Moorpark, Calif.; one grandson; one granddaughter; and one great-grandson.
    He was preceded in death by two sisters and fivebrothers.
    He became a Christian at age 15 in the MethodistChurch in Browning. After having the flu in 1919, he developed rheumaticfever which damaged his heart so he was an invalid. He healed and was againable to help his father with the farm work as before. He began preachingat age 19 and continued to do so for the next 70 years.
    He was ordained by the Assemblies of God, servingas pastor, evangelist, sectional presbyter, hospital chaplain, and nursinghome chaplain. In Illinois he pastored churches in Alto Pass, Buckner,Grafton, Astoria, Rushville, West Point, and 13 years in the new church,which was established in Carthage in 1958. In Iowa, he pastored churchesin Mt. Ayr, Chairton, Conrad, Grinnell, and eight years in the church Garnetbegan in Ames in 1936.
    He preached regular radio broadcasts for many yearsin Marshalltown, Iowa; and Carthage. He went into semi-retirement in Bowenin 1971, but he still preached or taught Sunday School. He continued hisfavorite pastimes of playing his electric Hawaiian guitar and raising hisgarden and flowers as long as he was able.
    He loved helping people and encouraging them.
    Services were held Saturday, Dec. 4, 1999, at theAstoria Assembly of God Church with the Rev. Steve Adamson and the Rev.Clifford Parry officiating. Burial was in the Ridgeville Cemetery in Browning.Shawgo Memorial Home was in charge of arrangements.

  Obituary for Velvia  Bell  JENNINGS STAMBAUGH
The Rushville Times, December 1, 1999, page 15, column 4
    Velvia  Bell  (Jennings) Stambaugh, 80,of Beardstown, died Tuesday, Nov. 23, 1999, at Culbertson Memorial Hospital.
    She was born on Sept. 25, 1919, to Rosco and GertrudeLane Jennings. She married Dave Stambaugh on Sept. 12, 1986, in Palmyra,Mo. He died Oct. 21, 1970. She also was preceded in death by her parents,three sons, Danny Jennings, John Stambaugh, and an infant; and also herhalf-brother, Victor Mclaughlin.
She  is survived by two sons, David (wife, June) Stambaugh ofMoline, and James Richard (wife, Lana) Stambaugh of Rock Island; five daughters,Jennie (husband,  Guy) Stambaugh of Havana; Norma Jean (husband, Bernerd)Coil of Beardstown, Bessie Chestnut of Hannibal, Mo., Mary Morris of Beardstown,and Connie (husband, Junior) Durell of Beardstown; a half-sister, RoseFriday of Rushville; 36 grandchildren; 52 great-grandchildren; and severalnieces and nephews.
    Mrs. Stambaugh was a housewife most of her life,dedicating her time to her husband, children and grandchildren. She lovedspending time with people reminiscing about her family.
    Memorials may be made to the Velvia Bell StambaughFuneral Fund.
    Services were Friday, Nov. 26, 1999, at the Cline-GoodwinFuneral Home with interment at the Rushville City Cemetery. Cline-GoodwinFuneral Home was in charge of the arrangements.

Robin Petersen  Obituary for Samuel Blair HINDMAN
The Rushville Times, November 26, 1908
S. B. Hindman
    Samuel B. Hindman, who was stricken with paralysison Monday of last week, died on Wednesday night at his home northeast ofRushville.He never regained consciousness after the shock which so suddenly prostratedhim.
    On Friday morning at 11 o’clock funeral serviceswere held at the Presbyterian Church in this city, conducted by Rev. Foreman,and there was a large attendance of friends and relatives who came to paytheir last sad tribute of respect to the departed one.
    Samuel B. Hindman was born in Richland county, Ohio,Jan. 24, 1834, but came to this county with his parents when a child, andhas for more than half a century made his home in Kinderhook neighborhood.He was married Nov. 8, 1876, to Julia Ward Mathews, and to this union twochildren were born-a son, who died in infancy, and June, the wife of LeeRoudebush. Mr. Hindman is also survived by two brothers and one sister-Davidand James Hindman and Mrs. H. A. Anderson of this city.

  Obituary for Lillian Lucille SMITHSON SWANGER
The Rushville Times, January 5, 2000, page 13, column 3
    Lillian Lucille Swanger, 83, of Macomb, formerlyof Brooklyn, died Sunday, Jan. 2, 2000, at the Wesley Village HealthcareCenter in Macomb.
    She was born Sept. 4, 1916, in Waxahachie, Texas,to the late Luther and Tawnie Belle Wortham Smithson.
    She married Sherman P. Swanger Dec. 16, 1939, inShelbyville, Mo.
    He survives, along with one daughter, Louise Barrettof Macomb; one son, Jerry Swanger (wife Marilyn) of Brooklyn; four grandchildren;seven great-grandchildren; a sister, Jean Kittenson of Denver, Colo.; anda brother, Claude Smithson of Bettendorf, Iowa.
    She was preceded in death by two great-grandsons,four brothers and three sisters.
    She was a life-long homemaker and a member of theChurch of Christ in Macomb.
    Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday,Jan. 5, 2000, at the Worthington Funeral Home in Rushville. with Jack Beardofficiating. Burial will be in the Blackburn Cemetery near Brooklyn. Memorialsmay be given te the Alzheimer’s Unit of Wesley Village in Macomb.

The Rushville Timesused by permission.

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