Schuyler County Obituaries – Page 9
Death Notice for Desiree TABER
The Rushville Times, January 5, 2000, page 13, column 2
Desiree Taber, 17, of Sevierville, Tenn., formerlyof Rushville and Plymouth, died Monday afternoon, Jan. 3, 2000, at FortSanders Sevier Medical Center in Sevierville, Tenn., as a result of injuriessustained in an ATV accident. Arrangements will be announced later by theWorthington Funeral Home in Rushville.
Obituary for Ina Mae WILSON
The Rushville Times, Wednesday, December 1, 1999, page 15, column5
Ina Mae Wilson, 80, of Rushville, died Tuesday,Nov. 23, 1999, at St. Johns Hospital in Springfield.
She was born on Jan. 14, 1919, in Huntsville Township,Schuyler County, the daughter of the late James William and Lillie Leona(Sims). She first married. James Russell Prunty. She later married FrankWilson on July 12, 1968, in Versailles. He preceded her in death on March29, 1981.
Surviving are one daughter, Sharon Tomlinson ofRushville; two sons, James Robert Prunty of Cambridge, Minn., and DannyJoe Prunty of Mackinaw; one step daughter, Patricia Hall of Beardstown;one step son, Gary Allen Wilson of Jacksonville; nine grandchildren; severalgreat grandchildren, step grandchildren, and step great grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by a great grandson, D.Morris Tomlinson; three sisters, Wilma Prunty, Irma Robinson, and JanieKnight; one half brother, Troy Knight; and one half sister, Gertrude Rutledge.
She retired from the packaging department of BartlowBrothers in Rushville after 17 years. She was of the Pentecostal faith.
Graveside services were Saturday at the RushvilleCemetery in Rushville with Carl Wiggins officiating. Memorials may be madeto Cass-Schuyler Area Hospice.
Obituary for Lula Catherine “Mick LAMB WRIGHT
The Rushville Times, December 22, 1999, page 11A, column 1
Lula Catherine “Mick Wright, 99, of Beardstown,died the evening of Friday, Dec. 17, 1999, at Heritage Manor South.
She was born Dec. 18, 1899, in Beardstown, to thelate William J. and Martha Ellen Sheppard Lamb. She married Ernest E. Wrighton Nov. 30, 1928. He preceded her in death on May 19, 1975.
She is survived by one niece, Janice (husband John)Burns of Cheyenne, Wy., and three nephews, Carlyle (wife Wilma) Lamb ofFrederick, Dale (wife Susan) Lamb of Beardstown, and Gale (wife Sue) Lamb,also of Beardstown.
Also preceding Mrs. Wright in death were five brothersand five sisters.
Mrs. Wright worked for several years at BeardstownLaundry and dry cleaners, was an avid sports fan and loved fishing andcrocheting. She was of the Methodist faith.
Graveside services were held Monday, Dec. 20, 1999,in the Beardstown City Cemetery with Rev. Sue Bailey officiating. Cline-GoodwinFuneral Home in Beardstown was in charge of services.Memorials are suggested to the the donors choice or Beardstown Jr./Sr.High School Sports Department.
Cindy Foster Obituary for Mrs. W. H. HARRIS
Newspaper clipping, dated 12 July 1900
Died, July 8th of a complication of ailments, Mrs.W. H. Harris of Browning. Deceased was a daughter of Milo Bushnell, Her remains were interred on Tuesday in the Eagle Cemetery, 6 miles northwestof Browning, the funeral cortage being caught in a heavy rain about 11A.M., when less than half way to the graveyard. Thus a verificationof an old saying, “Misfortune rarely comes single.” A deep gloompervades the Harris hotel today; there is no doubt about that.
Cindy Foster Obituary for William HARRIS
Newspaper clipping, dated 22 May 1919
William Harris, one of the few remaining veteransof the Civil war died Saturday at the home of his daughter Mrs. GeorgeHoke in his seventy-seventh year. Funeral services were held Tuesday andinterment was made in the Oak Grove cemetery near Chicago. (Note: Oak Grovecemetery is near Astoria, Fulton Co., IL)
Cindy Foster Obituary for Milo J. BUSHNELL
Newspaper undated, Milo died 13 Oct 1887
Bushnell, Milo J.–The old neighbors and friendsof Milo J. Bushnell who resided in Woodstock township many years, willbe sorry to learn that he is dead. He died on Tuesday last at the residenceof his daughter, Mrs. Eliza Hurlburt, of Creston, Iowa, aged 85 years 4months and 20 days. Mr. Bushnell left here about two years ago tomake his home with his daughter, having become too feeble to attend hisfarm. He was an old patron of the Times, and just before his deathhe requested his son-in-law to inform us when he died. Peace to his ashes!
Newspaper clipping, dated 12 July 1900
Died in this place on Monday evening from the effectsof a stroke of paralysis, which occurred last Saturday morning, Mrs. EllenAdkinson, widow of the late James M. Adkinson; aged about 70 years. Funeralservices were held at the Christian church, of which she was a member Tuesdayafternoon at 3 o’clock, Rev. Hoffer officiating. Her remains were interredin the Frederick cemetery followed by a large concourse of friends. EllenRichardson was born in Sangamon County, Ill., Dec 23, 1830. When 27 yearsof age she came to Frederick and was a resident here ever since. In thespring of 1870 she was married to Mr. Adkinson. To them were born sevenchildren, all having preceded her to the spirit but two.
Obituary for George M. BLACK
Newspaper clipping, dated 19 July 1900
Ex-Representative George M. Black died at his homein Bainbridge township yesterday morning of Bright’s disease after an illnesslasting many months. The funeral will be held from the residence at 3 o’clockthis afternoon, conducted by Rev. Joseph Quinn. The interment will be inthe Krobe cemetery.
The deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Black,now of McDonough county. Other surviving members of the family are Jamesand Enoch Black, brothers, and the sisters, Mrs. E. W. Dace and Mrs. J.Y. McFeeters.
In March, 1875, he married Miss Mary J. Adams, bywhom he had two children all of whom survive.
George M. Black was born in Bainbridge townshipOct. 15, 1852, and was educated in the district schools. From 1872 to 1882he was engaged in farming and the next eight years were spent in the generalmerchandising business, in Brown county. Interested in politics, and aDemocrat, he was elected to the lower house of the general assembly in1890 to succeed John W. Teefy, deceased and served in the special world’sfair session of that year. In 1898 he came back to the Schuyler countyhome and was reelected and served as a member of the Forty-first generalassembly. He was a candidate for renomination this year, but because offailing health was able to make a canvass. Mr. Black was a mason as wellas a member of several fraternal insurance orders.
Death Notice for F. M. SNIVELY
19 July 1900
F. M. Snively, one of the formost citizens of Cuba,met an accidental death in Peoria on the 11th. In attempting to alightfrom a moving street car he was thrown violently to the brick pavement,badly fracturing his skull. Deceased was a brother of E. A. Snively ofSpringfield. He was about sixty-five years old and had been a residentof Cuba for nearly half a centuy.
Obituary for J. Barnhard HEITZ
Newspaper clipping, dated 19 July 1900
J. Barnhard Heitz, for many years a resident ofRushville, died Sunday afternoon at the residence of his sister, Mrs. MaryHolbohm. The funeral was held Tuesday from th residence, Rev. John Knowlesconducting the services. The interment was in Rushville cemetery. Mr. Heitzwas 77 years old, having been born in Germany in 1823, and came to Americaabout fifty years ago. He was a brother of Sam and John Heitz.
Death Notice for female HORNEY
Newspaper clipping, dated 19 July 1900
The little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. HarlanHorney, who had been very ill for two weeks, died yesterday afternoon.The funeral will be held tomorrow at 3 o’clock.
Death Notice for Father RYAN
Newspaper clipping, dated 19 July 1900
Father Ryan, priest of the parish of Mt. Sterling,who was so badly burned last spring , died Sunday at Jacksonville. Thefuneral was held in Mt. Sterling
Obituary for Joseph B. EWING
Newspaper clipping, dated 19 July 1900
Joseph B. Ewing died Monday morning from a paralyticdstroke. He was 69 years od and a veteran of the civil war. The funeralwas held today (Tuesday) at the M.E. church. Will and Sherman Ewing ofOakland township, Mrs. Turner of St. Mary’s, Mr. Esslinger of Missouriand Mr. Ewing of Macomb were in attendance at the funeral.
Obituary for Mary E. FERINGTON
Newspaper clipping, dated 19 July 1900
Mary E. Ferington, daughter of Abe and Belle Ferington,was born April 8th 1898 and died July 11, 1900, aged 2 years, 3 monthsand 3 days. Funeral services conducted by Fred Warrington. Interment inMarlow cemetery.
Obituary for Jacob TROUT
Newspaper clipping, dated 26 July 1900
Jacob Trout died at his residence on East Lafayettestreet last Thursday evening in the 78th year of his age. He had been inpoor health for a long time.
The funeral was held from the residence Saturdayafternoon. There was a large attendance of friends and neighbors, and amongthe relatives present were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perry of Astoria and Mr. andMrs. Richard Clark of Macomb, and Mrs. Dr. Taylor and daughter Blancheof Vermont.
Jacob Trout, the subject of this sketch was bornnear Leechburg, PA, Jan. 16th 1823. He came to Illinois in 1850 and settledon a farm near Littleton. His first wife was Miss Margaret Trout, who diedtwelve years ago. He afterwards removed to Rushville, and on Dec. 28th1890, was married to Mrs. Lucy Fry, who was a loving and devoted wife,deeming it a privilege to minister to his wants during his helplessness,lasting since a year last February.
Obituary for Mary WILLIAMS CRAY
Newspaper clipping, dated 22 May 1919
Mrs. Mary Cray, widow of the late Michael Cray,who for many years was a resident of Woodstock township, died suddenlyat her home last Thursday
morning in her seventy-sixth year. Altho Mrs. Cray had been ill fora few weeks her condition was thought to be improving and on the morningof her death when asked by her son Michael how she was feeling repliedthat she was better. She had arose and dressed when she was stricken withthe illness that resulted in death before medical aid could reach her.
Mary Williams was born in Terre Haute, Indiana,May 15 1843, coming to this county many years ago with her young husband.They located on what is now the old homestead farm in Woodstock, whereher husband passed away in 1911, since which time the wife and mother hasbeen tenderly cared for by her son Michael, who resides at the old home.Besides the two sons, James and Michael and one daughter, Mrs. Mary Littleof Kewanee, Mrs. Cray is survived by eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Funeral services, conducted by Rev. Wright, wereheld from the family residence on Saturday. Interment in the Luthy cemetery.
Death Notice for Robert BOGUE
Newspaper clipping, dated 22 May 1919
Robert Bogue, a pioneer resident of Fulton county,died at his home in Vermont recently at the age of 92 years. His parentssettled on the Brock farm, one mile north of Vermont in 1832, eight-sevenyears ago.
Robin Petersen Death Notice for Letitia HINDMAN WILSON
The Rushville Times, July 30, 1903
Mrs. Letitia Wilson, aged 72, died Tuesday nightat the home of her sister Mrs. Hannah Anderson in the South part of thecity, services at Presbyterian Church at 2 o’clock.
Death Notice for George HAGENER
The Rushville Times, June 6, 1918
George Hagener of Beardstown, who has been workingfor the Burrell construction company in Atchison, KS, on a large mill whichthe company is building in that city, fell last Saturday a distance ofthirty feet, striking his head, receiving injuries from which he died afew hours later. Funeral servies were held in Beardstown on Tuesday.
Death Notice for William H. HARRIS, Jr.
The Rushville Times, June 20, 1918
William H. Harris, Jr., a former resident of Browning,died in base hospital No. 1, A.E.F., France, April 27th, from lukemia (sic).He enlisted at Creston, Iowa, last June. Besides his aged father, WilliamHarris, Sr., he is survived by one daughter, one brother and two sisters.
Death Notice for Harold HAGEN
The Rushville Times, August 29,1918
News of the sudden death of Harold Hagen, youngestchild of Mrs. Laura Hagan of Browning, brought sorrow to the hearts ofhis many young friends in this city, where he had attended school of lateyears. Harold was a bright, capable, ambitious young man and deep sympathygoes out to his mother in the loss of her young son who was the only childliving at home. Particulars of his death is given by our Browning correspondent.
Cindy Foster Nancy BUSHNELL
Mrs. Nancy Bushnell died at the home of Albert MitchellFeb 5th. The remains were interred in the Ridgeville Cemetery Friday Feb6th. (1903).
Cindy Foster Death Notice for Adam TERMIN
The Rushville Times, February 19, 1914 – Ray News
Mrs. Elizabeth Billingsley has received word thather brother Adam Termin died last Friday (13 Feb.1914) at his home in Lincoln,Neb.
Mrs. Mary Horton, July 16, 1870 at residence ofher father in Littleton Twp., age 19, parents: A. M. Foster, married JohnHorton.
Cindy Foster Obituary for Ethan AKIN
The Rushville Times, September 27, 1923
Ethan Akin buried at Bethany Sunday
The remains of Ethan Akin who died at Carroll, IowaSeptember 20 aged 70 were brought to Rushville on Saturday and on Sundayat 1:30 funeral services were held at Bethany Church conducted by Rev.George P. Snyder. Interment was made in the cemetery nearby, where hiswife is buried. His son Louis L. Akin of
Carroll, Iowa and son-in-law H. E. Jenks of Gilman, Iowa accompaniedthe body to Rushville and were joined by his daughter Mrs. B. B. Skinerof Maplewood, New Jersey. Mr. Akin was a native of New York coming herewhen a young man locating in Chicago where he met mary L. Foster and theywere married in this county. The young wife and mother died when her firstchild was bonr, now Mrs. Marcelles of Ithaca, N.Y. and was buried in BethanyCemetery.
Cindy Foster Obituary for Sarena FOSTER
The Rushville Times, September 6, 1878
Foster, Sarena–died at the residence of her husband6 miles north of Rushville on Wednesday August 28th, of a congestive chill. Mrs. Sarena Foster, wife of Mr. A. M. Foster; aged 53 years. Mrs Fosterwas a most estimiable christian lady. All who knew her loved her and hersudden and lamented death has left a void which will not be easily filled.A very large concourse of neighbors and friends attended the funeral whichtook place on Thursday. The deepest sympathy was felt and expressed forthe bereaved husband, who by this sad visitation is left entirely alone,having neither wife or child or brother or sister–All are gone, May God
confort him in his great affliction. Mrs. Foster had for 8 years beena worthy and consistent member of the Christian Church and although thecall was sudden, there was no doubt that she was quite prepared for it.Absent from the body, she is present with the Lord.
Obituary for Leila SCHOONOVER IRWIN
The Rushville Times, May 18, 1983
Rites for Leila Irwin Held Here Monday
Leila Irwin, 81, of Rushville, died about5 a.m. Saturday at the home of her son, Darwin, of rural Rushville.
Services were held Monday at 2:30 p.m. atRoby Funeral Chapl with Rev. Marvin Chalfant officiating. Burial was inRushville cemetery.
Mrs. Irwin was born Sept. 30, 1901 in Fultoncounty, Illinois, the daughter of John and Sadie Blackaby Schoonover. Shewas married to Byron (Pink) Irwin in Smithfield on April 16, 1919. He diedMay 7, 1967. She was a member of the Union Baptist church of Rushville.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Guy D. andByron Jr., both of Littleton; and Darwin of rural Rushville; six grandchildren,two great-grandchildren; two sisters, Opal Yorton of Nixa, Mo., and GoldieBishop of Cuba; three half sisters, Mary Goldstein of Golden, Carlene Stevensonof LaPrairie, and Darlene Dunn of Lewistown; two half brothers, Gib Schoonoverof LaPrairie and Sid Schoonover of Colchester.
She was preceded in death by a daughter; Verlinaand three brothers.
Obituary for Harry D. OSBORN
The Rushville Times, May 11, 1983
Graveside Services Held For Harry D. Osborn
Graveside services for Harry D. Osborn, 76,of Rushville formerly of Vermont, who died May 2 in Culbertson Memorialhospital were held at 1:30 p.m., Wednesday in Vermont cemetery. CollisTrone officiated.
He was born Oct. 21, 1906, in Vermont, a sonof Felix and Lizzie Boyd Osborn.
He was a laborer for the city of Vermont,and was employed by Clayton Marks Foundry of Vermont.
He was a World War II veteran and member ofthe Vermont American Legion Post 26.
He married Rose Marie Richey on Aug. 29, 1962,in Vermont. She died July 19, 1977. There are no survivors. He was precededin death by a sister.
Obituary for James A. CHOCKLEY
The Rushville Times, May 11, 1983
Rites Held Here Monday For James A. Chockley
Funeral services for James A. Chockley, 69,former Ripley resident were held at 2 p.m. Monday at Worthington FuneralHome, Rushville. Collis Trone was in charge. Burial was in Ripley cemetery.
Mr. Chockley, a resident of the Meyers NursingCenter in Beardstown, died at 10:20 a. m. Friday at Culbertson hospital,Rushville.
He was born May 21, 1913 in Woodstock township,Schuyler county, son of Henry and Mary Kelly Chockley. He married EdnaClark Oct. 1, 1938 at Palmyra, Mo. She survives.
Also surviving are two sons, Verne of Lincolnand Danny of Murrayville; one daughter, Linda Miller of rural Browning;six grandchildren; and on brother, Clarence of Golden. He was precededin death by two brothers and one sister.
Obituary for Harlan L. UTTER
The Rushville Times, May 10, 1983
Rites to Be Today For Harlan L. Utter, 62
Harlan L. Utter, 62, passed away on Mondayat Culbertson Memorial hospital after a lengthy illness. Funeral serviceswill be held today (Wednesday) at 2 p.m. at the Worthington Funeral Homewith the Rev. Evan Williams and the Rev. Paul Sellers officiating. Burialwill be in Rushville city cemetery. Military rites were held at 8 p.m.Tuesday evening at the funeral home by Schuyler American Legion Post No.4. Memorials may be made to Culbertson Memorial hospital.
He was born on Aug. 15, 1920, near Frederick,son of George and Stella Orr Utter. He married Mary Dean on March 23, 1946in Petersburg. She survives, along with his father and one son, Ronaldof Rushville; one daughter; Mrs. Ray (Joyce) Mehra of Laurel, Miss; fourgrandchldren; one brother, Frank Utter of Browning; and one sister, Mrs.Clinton (Beulah) Ogden of Rushville.
He was preceded in death by his mother, oneinfant son, and one brother, Arthur.
He was a member of the First Christian Churchof Rushville, Army veteran of World War II and member of the Schuyler AmericanLegion Post No. 4 and the Schuyler county farm bureau. He was a Schulyercounty farmer all his life.
Obituary for Anna Pearl HALE STRONG
The Rushville Times,
Anna Pearl Strong, daughter of Warren and IsabelleCurry Hale, was born one mile east of Pleasant View Nov. 9, 1879 whereshe attended school and in her youth became a member of the Pleasant ViewChristian church. While residing there, her sister, Nora, passed away.
In 1903 the family moved to Frederick whereher father passed away the following year.
In 1908 she and her mother moved to Rushvillewhere she has since resided. She was preceded in death by her mother in1912.
Nov. 7, 1925, she was united in marriage toRalph Strong who passed away Nov. 7, 1938.
She leaves to mourn her death two step-daughters,Mrs. Beulah Thompson, of Frederick and Mrs. Ruth Snodgrass of Van Nuys,California; three cousins, Mrs. Alice Huey of Chicago, Mrs. Dora Daganof Kewanee and Adrian Hinderer who has resided with her for the past 14years, besides many other relatives and friends.
On moving to Rushville, she became affiliatedwith the Christian church where she was an active worker as long as herhealth permitted.
Funeral services were held on Wednesday, July23 at 2 p.m. at the Rushville First Christian church.
Obituary for Orrie YOUNG
The Rushville Times, August 1956
Funeral Services For Orrie Young, 74, Held At Industry Wednesday
Orrie Young, of Industry, a retired farmerand merchant, and a former resident of the Rushville community, died Sundaymorning at St. Francis hospital, in Macomb, following a long illness. Hewas 74 years old.
He was born July 27, 1882, a son of Mr. andMrs. Porter Young, in Oakland township, Schuyler county. He married PearlRitchey, Jan. 14, 1911. He had resided in McDonough county the last 15 years and for a time operated a grocery store at Industry.
Besides his wife, he leaves one brother, Ed,of Industry; one sister, Mrs. Grace Bridges, Blandinsville; a half-brother,Ira Young, Decatur, and a half-sister, Mrs. Nellie Logan, Arcola.
Obituary for Martha Jane MARQUIS FULKS
The Rushville Times, June 21, 1956
Rites Held in Lewistown For Mrs. Martha Fulks, 88
Funeral rites were conducted in Murphy Memorialhome, Canton, on Sunday June 3, by the Rev. Willis A. Reed, pastor of theBaptist church, for Mrs. Martha Jane Fulks 88, of Lewistown who passedaway June 1 in Graham hospital. Burial was in Beardstown cemetery.
Mrs. Fulks, widow of Edward Fulks was theformer Martha Jane Marquis and they were residents of this vicinity beforehis death a number of years ago.
Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Howard Cuttswith whom she made her home, a son Kenneth, also of Lewistown and severalgrandchildren.
The Rushville Times, 1956
R. J. Ehrhardt’s Mother Died In Mt. Sterling
Mrs. Ida Ehrhardt, 85, of Mt. Sterling, wasfound dead in bed at her home Saturday morning at 6:30, apparently havingdied in her sleep. She was the mother of Raymond J. Ehrhardt, of this city.
Funeral services were held Monday morningat 9 in St. Jospeh church in charge of the Rev. John Bretz. Burial wasin the Catholic cemetery.
Mrs. Ehrhardt was born in Quincy, Jan. 29,1871, a daughter of John and Barbara Gerhring, and had lived in Mt. Sterlingfor 11 years. She was member of St. Joseph church and the Western CatholicUnion. She was married to Herman Ehrhardt in St. Boniface church in Quincyin 1896. Mr. and Mrs. Ehrhardt died July 15, 1950.
Mrs. Ehrhardt is survived by the son; fivegrandchildren and one great grandchild.
Obituary for Guy VAN ORMER
The Rushville Times, August 16, 1956
Guy Van Ormer Dies
Guy Van Ormer, son of Hiram and Emma HarrisVan Ormer was born Aug. 2, 1885 in Huntsville and passed away Aug. 10,at his home in Quincy, following a long illness. Most of his life was spentin the Huntsville and Macomb area having lived in Quincy only the pastfew years. On Dec. 8, 1918 he was united in marriage to Carrie Williams.To this union was born one son, George Van Ormer and one daughter, Mrs.Joyce Sutter, both of Quincy. Surviving are his wife, the son and daughter,one grandson, Johnnie Van Ormer, two grandaguthers, Deborah and RebeccaSutter, one sister, Mrs. Esther Burke of Macomb, four brothers, Charlesof
Huntsville, Arthur of Rushville, Ralph of Granville and Clarence ofRich Hill, Mo.
During his illness he confessed his faithin Christ and joined the Methodist church in Huntsville.
Funeral services were held Sunday in Colchesterwith Rev. W. C. Glasier officiating. Burial was in St. Mary’s cemetery.
Obituary for Sarah Jane DODDS HERRON
The Rushville Times, November 30, 1945
Obituary of Mrs. Thomas W. Herron
Sarah Jane Dodds, youngest daughter of Samueland margaret Wilson Dodds, was born in Bainbridge township, Schuyler county,February 9, 1869, and died at her home in Rushville, October 30, 1945,aged 76 years, 8 months, and 4 days. She was of a family of seven children,three brothers, William J. Thomas, and Samuel, and three sisters, Martha,Mary E., and Lizzie, all of whom preceded her in death, except Mary E.Drawve of Pleasant View.
She was united in marriage to Thomas W. Herron,March 24, 1892, who preceded her in death December 29, 1934. To this unionwas born one daughter, Lottie, who was in constant care of her mother withthe utmost devotion that could possibly be given her.
When quite young, Mrs. Herron professed faith inher Master, and joined the Methodist church at Mt. Carmel under the ministryof Rev. O. T. Rodgers, and was ever a faithful member of the church. When “Aunt Sade” and Lottie moved to Rushville the last time, in 1942,they moved their membership to the First Methodist church in Rushville,and attended as long as her health permitted.
Funeral services were held Thursday, November1, at 2:30 p.m. at the Rushville Methodist church, conducted by Rev. H.S. Crede.
Obituary for Donna Lou GOLDSBORO
The Rushville Times, December 20, 1945
Leukemia Takes Life Of 3-Yr.-Old Donna Goldsboro
Donna Lou Goldsboro, three-year-old daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Goldsboro of Bainbridge township, passed away Tuesdayshortly after midnight, her death being due to leukemia, the fatal diseasethat has caused the death of many young children in recent years.
Funeral services, conducted by Rev. Lester Banningwill be held Friday at 2:00 p.m. at the First Methodist church in Rushville.Interment will be in the Ebenezer (South) cemetery.
Donna Lou, the only child of Melvin and Edith Crum-Goldsboro,had been ill for several weeks, and was for a time a patient at Culbertsonhospital, where she was given blood transfusions which afforded temporaryimprovement. Later she was taken to Barnes hospital in St. Louis, Mo.,by Rev. Lester Banning, where her ailment was diagnosed as leukemia. Theparents were advised by the physicians that their child could not be expectedto live more than a month.
Donna Lou was brought to her home, and facingthe grim realization that her death was inevitable, the parents arrangedfor a pre-Christmas celebration in the home, where the many gifts of relativesand friends brought joy to the little girl.
Donna Lou Goldsboro was born in Rushville,January 16, 1943, and departed this life at the home of her parents inBainbridge township December 19, 1945, aged 2 years, 11 months, 3 days.
Besides the grief-stricken parents, theresurvives to mourn the untimely death of this little child, her maternalgrandmother, Mrs. James Crum, and her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.Curtis Goldsboro.
Obituary for Charles D. CUNNINGHAM
The Rushville Times, October 4, 1933
Funeral sevices, conducted by Rev. M. A. Warren,will be held Thursday at 2:30 from the First Christian Church andremains committed to Resthaven Mausoleum.
Charles D. Cunningham, second son of Thomasand Nancy Ann Smith Cunningham, early pioneer residents of Schuyler County,was born August 5, 1857.
On February 2, 1879, he married Mary CarolineUnger. They were the parents of 9 children: Anna, wife of Jack Owens ofCamden Township, Florence, wife of Fred D. Clayton of Chicago, Ethel,wife of Jasper Greenleaf, Lucy, wife of Frey Doyle, Dwight, James, Luther,Vesta, wife of Ray Newell, all of the vicinity of Rushville; and Gladysat home.
In addition to his wife and children he is survived by 2 sisters; Mrs. William Clements of Buenavista Townshipand Mrs. Charles Hester of Whiting, Kansas; 21 grandchildren and 6 greatgrandchildren.
Obituary for John Logan ADKISON
The Rushville Times, October 4, 1933
John Logan Adkison, son of Henry and Polly Ann (Cooney) Adkison, was born on a farm near Rushville February17, 1845 and departed this life September 26, at the age of 88 years 7months and 9 days.
He was preceded in death by his parents, 4brothers and 1 sister; also 2 half sisters. One sister, Mrs. Julia Turner,and 1 brother, G. W. Adkison, survive.
On June 11, 1890, he married Nancy EmilineVanOrder who with 2 daughters; Etta, wife of David Vollmer and Maggie,wife of Lee Daniels, and 4 grandchildren mourn his passing.
In young manhood he united with the ChristianChurch.
Funeral services, conducted by Rev. M. A.Warren were held Thursday at 2:30 p.m. from the Gordon Funeral Home. Intermentwas in Rushville Cemetery.
Obituary for Martha MOORE SHEPPARD
The Rushville Times, March 1, 1933
Former Oakland Township Resident Died in Ottawa
Mrs. Martha Moore Sheppard, widow of the lateFrank Sheppard and a resident of Schuyler county for more than a half century,died at the home of her son, Willis Robinson, in Ottawa in her 82nd year.
Funeral services conducted by Rev. ArthurNutt were held from the Church of the Nazarene in Ottawa on Friday. Intermentin Ottawa Cemetery.
Martha Moore Sheppard, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Solomon Moore, was born December 9, 1851 in Indiana and departed thislife February 21, 1933 in Ottawa aged 81 years 2 months and 13 days.
She was united with the Church of the Nazareneat Rock Island and remained a member until the end.
Besides 4 children: Geo. Gould of Davenport, Iowa;Mrs. Olive Webb, of Rock Island; Mrs. Anna Smith of Lincoln, Nebraska;Willis Robinson of
Ottawa; she is also survived by 3 sisters: Mrs. Howard, Mrs. LuticiaAbbott, Mrs. Ellen Thurman of Rushville; 2 brothers: Samuel Moore of Rushville,and Solomon Moore of Littleton. She was preceded in death by her husbandin 1926 and 1 daughter, Mrs. Fred Jenson, who passed away 16 years ago.
Obituary for Maude SMITHER
The Rushville Times, March 1, 1933
Funerall For Miss Maude Smither Held Sunday
Miss Maude Smither, whose early life was spentin Rushville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Smither, died Thursday inNew York City.
Funeral services were held Sunday at 2:30p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Brines conducted by Rev. Alec McFerran.Interment in Rushville Cemetery.
Maude Smither, oldest daughter of Geo. W.and Mary Manlove Smither, was born in Rushville September 14, 1868 anddeparted this life February 23 at her home in New York City.
She is survived by her sisters: Mrs. FlorenceCrozier, Mrs. Grace Millard, Mrs. Ruth Brines; 2 brothers, Charles andHerbert; and an aunt, Mrs. Dora Rexroat and 2 nieces.
Obituary for Joshua Benton LERCH
The Rushville Times, September 30, 1998
Joshua Lerch
Joshua Benton Lerch, stillborn infant son of Charlesand Melissa McGowan Lerch, died at 11:08 P.M., Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1998,in Carthage Memorial Hospital in Carthage. Survivors include the parents,Cahrles and Melissa Lerch of Rushville; maternal grandparents, Don andDorothy McGowan of Camden; paternal
grandparents, Don and Char Lerch of Rushville; maternal great-grandparents,Benton Burton of Mt. Sterling and Callie Rose McGowan of Crocker, MO andpaternal great-grandparents, Florence Ethridge of Beardstown, and MargaretLerch of Rushville. He was preceded in death by his maternal great-grandmother,paternal grandfathers and infant sister, Holly Noel Lerch. Grave side serviceswere held Friday, Sept. 25, 1998, in Rosemont Cemetery in Plymouth, withRev. Henry Nash officiating. Hamilton Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Mary Jane White Obituary for Vivian M. NELL ATEN
Macomb Journal, March 16, 1999
Vivian M. Aten, 79, of Carthage (IL) since 1947,and formerly of Rushville, died at 6:38 p.m. Sunday, March 14, 1999, atMemorial Hospital in Carthage.
She was born July 25, 1919, in Schuyler County to H. Everett and Beulah(Winters) Nell. On Oct. 10, 1940, she married Cline F. Aten in Keokuk,Iowa.
He survives in Carthage.
She is also survived by two sons, Jerry (Polly)Aten of Tucson, Ariz., and Rudy (Carol) Aten of Galesburg (IL); one sister,Geraldine Donaldson of Rushville; one sister-in-law, Nelda Moughan of Springfield;four grandchildren, Wendy and Tyler Aten and Lance and Heather Aten. Shewas preceded in death by her parents and an infant sister.
Mrs. Aten graduated with the Rushville High SchoolClass of 1936, Rushville. She had worked as a teller for the RushvilleState Bank, prior to moving to
Carthage. She worked for Marine Trust Company of Carthage as a cashierfor 35 years, retiring in 1985. She enjoyed spending time with her family.She was
a member of the First Christian Church of Carthage where she servedas church secretary and treasurer for many years.
Services are 1 p.m. Wednesday (March 17, 1999) atthe First Christian Church in Carthage with the Rev. Philip M. Nevius officiating.Burial will be in the
Rushville Cemetery in Rushville.
Friends may call after 2 p.m. today at the LamporteFuneral Home of Carthage where the family will meet friends between 6 and8 p.m. A memorial has been established for the First Christian Church ofCarthage.”
Obituary for Anna Louise GERMAN
The Rushville Times, May 11, 1938
Mrs. W. B. Jones
Anna Louise, daughter of Joseph & IsabelleGerman, was born on a farm 2 !/2 miles southeast of Astoria, March 21,1858 and departed this life at ther home in Bader, May 4, 1938, aged 80years, 1 month, & 13 days.
She was baptized, April 8, 1877 by Elder BenjaminWalton and united with the Christian Church at Bader. On February 2, 1879she was united in marriage to William Byron Jones. To this union were born3 daughters & 2 sons, Cora, wife of William S. Henderson of Rushville,Myrtle, wife of Harry Stauffer of Hickory township, William J. of Astoria& Loren B. of Macomb, also 15 grandchildren & 19 great-grandchildrenremain.
She was the olders of a family of 10 children,3 of whom with her father & mother have preceded her in death. Sixare left, Jefferson & Vada, wife of M. L. Kolp, both of Browning township,Dove, wife of J. L. Demy of Urbana, Clara, Belle & David, all of Astoria.
Funeral services were held at the Bader church,Friday at 2:30 o’clock by Rev. L. A. Crown. Burial in the Bader cemetery.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Albert Franklin VANORDER
The Rushville Times, March 1, 1933
Albert Franklin VanOrder, son of George andNancy VanOrder, was born near Rushville, October 26, 1874 and departedthis life February 28, 1933 at the age of 59 years 4 months and 2days.
Mr. VanOrder is survived by 1 daughter, FroniaVanOrder of Quincy, 2 sisters, Mrs. Lorinda Peterman and Mrs. Lydia Huckabro,and 1 brother, John VanOrder of Rushville. Other who preceded himin death are his wife, his parents, 2 brothers and 2 sisters.
Funeral services were held Thursday at 2:30p.m. from the Baptist Church conducted by Rev. H. M. Cady. Interment incity cemetery.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Mrs. Jennie WELCH BRADBURY
Vermont Union, January 17, 1974
Mrs. Jennie Bradbury, 77, daughter of John and ElizzieLybarger Welch was born July 23, 1895 in Vermont, and passed away Wednesday,Jan. 9, at
Pekin Memorial Hospital. She had been a resident of the Americana NursingCenter in Pekin for four and one-half years. Prior to that she residedin Rushville and Beardstown. She married James W. Bradbury at Keokuk, Iowaon Feb. 21, 1920. He preceded her in death on Aug. 27, 1941. Survivingare two sons Alfred of Stafford, VA and James of Havana; two daughters,Mrs. Vera Rigler of Pekin and Mrs. Vernon (Mary) Landes of Beardstown;two grandchildren; one step-grandson, two great-grandchildren and one stepgreat-grandchild. Besides her parents and husband, one daughter and onesister preceded her in death.
Funeral services were held Friday morning in the Faith Tabernacle Churchin Pekin, and grave-side services were held that afternoon in the RushvilleCemetery.
Mrs. Bradbury has several relatives here and in the surrounding area.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Caroline BRADBURY REBMAN
The Rushville Times, May 1985
Rushville – Services for Caroline Rebman, 79, ofRushville, who died Tuesday in Culbertson Memorial Hospital. will be 2P.M. Thursday in Worthington Funeral Home here. The Rev. Michael Orstedwill officiate and burial is in Rushville City Cemetery. Family visitationis 7 – 9 tonight.
She was born Dec. 27, 1905, in Rushville, a daughterof Walter and Mary L. VanOrder Bradbury. She was a member of the RushvilleFirst United
Presbyterian Church. She married George Rebman June 12, 1923 in Rushville.He died July 23, 1971.
Surviving are two sons, Thomas and James, both ofRushville; four daughters, Mary Jeanette Thompson and Zelma Aline Logan,Rushville, Harriet Enloe of Salem, MO and Mildred Irene Wilson of Havana;15 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; a brother, Marshall VanOrderof Port Hueneme, Calif.; and a sister, Margaret Lerch of Rushville. Shewas preceded in death by a son, George H.; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren;three brothers and three sisters.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for William E. BRADBURY
Former Rushville Man dies At Monmouth
William E. Bradbury, 59, of Monmouth, a former Rushvilleresident , died Thursday afternoon at a Monmouth hospital. Funeral serviceswill be Sunday at 1:30 P.M. at the Turnbull Funeral Home in Monmouth. Burialwill be in the Vermont Cemetery.
Mr. Bradbury was born Jan. 19, 1900 in Rushvilleto Walter and Lorinda VanOrder Bradbury. He resided in Rushville wherehe was a paper hanger by trade until 1941 when he moved to Monmouth. Hiswife, the former Margaret Welch of Vermont, an infant daughter and a brother,James W. Bradbury, are deceased.
Surviving are two sons, Herman L. Bradbury of Lemont,IL and Lyle Bradbury at home; five sisters, Mrs. Edith Knowles, Mrs. GraceMenely, Mrs. Frances Poole, Mrs. Caroline Rebman and Mrs. Margaret Lerch,all of Rushville; a bother, Robert Bradbury of Canton and a foster brother,Marshall VanOrder of Rushville and a number of nieces and nephews.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for James Walter BRADBURY
The Rushville Times,
James Walter Bradbury was born September 7, 1892,and departed this life, August 27, 1941, aged 48 years, 11 months and 20days. He was united in marriage to Miss Jennie Welch of Vermont, February21, 1920. To this union were born five children, one dying in infancy.Those living are: Alred, who is home on furlough from service in the UnitedStates navy, Vera, Mary and James all at home. James Walter is also survivedby the following members of his family: his father and mother, Walter andLorinda Bradbury, of Rushville, Mrs. Grace Menely, Mrs. Frances Poole andMrs. Caroline Rebman, of Rushville, Mrs. Edith Knowles of Clayton, Mrs.Margaret Lerch of Littleton, William Bradbury of Roseville, Robert Bradburyof Canton, a foster-brother, Marshall VanOrder of Rushville, a half-brotherJohn William, of Birmingham, England, and a half-sister, Mrs. Emma Webb,of Manchester, England.
James Walter Bradbury was a member of thePresbyterian church and was a kind and loving husband and father. He servedhis country as a soldier in the World War and was greatly loved by allof his comrades.
Funeral services were held Friday, August 29, atthe Gordon Funeral home conducted by Rev. Raymond Lisenbee of Beardstown.
Carol LongwellMiller Obituary for Virginia MENELY CADY
The Rushville Times, April 29, 1987
Virginia Cady of Rushville Dies
Virginia Cady, 68, of 318 E. Jefferson St., Rushville,died Thursday, April 23 at the Memorial Medical Center in Springfield.Services were held Sunday in the Worthington Funeral Home. The Rev. RichardHerath officiated, and burial was in Rushville City Cemetery. Born Aug15, 1918, in Rushville to Harry and Grace Bradbury Menely, she marriedThomas Cady Sept. 9, 1949, in Rushville. He died Aug. 17, 1972.
One brother and one sister also preceded her indeath. Surviving are two sons, Terry of Tempe, Ariz., and Michael of WestLiberty, Iowa; two step grandchildren; two brothers, Harry Menely of Berwickand Floyd of Beardstown; two sisters, Pauline White and Mildred Ford ofRushville.
She was a member of the First United PresbyterianChurch of Rushville and the American Legion Auxiliary. She had worked asa secretary at the Farmers Home Administration in Rushville.
The Rushville Timesused by permission.
Copyright 2006 Judi Gilker; all rights reserved. For personal use only. Commercial use of the information contained in these pages is strictly prohibited without prior permission. If copied, this copyright must appear with the information.