Schuyler County, Illinois Excerpts from The Schuyler Citizen Newspaper, April 25, 1872



Excerpts from
The Schuyler Citizen

April 25, 1872

The ladies of the M. E. Mite Society will give a mush and milk festival in the basement of the church next Friday evening. The ladies are requested to wear their calico dresses. Admission twenty-five cents. Coffee and cake extra.


Mr. Metz is preparing to put up a building in the vacant lot adjoining his store building, and Messrs. Little & Ray are putting an addition to the north end of the post-office building. This latter improvement is made at the instance of the editor of the CITIZEN, who will occupy it as a printing office.


The people of Rushville and Buenavista townships met yesterday and indorsed the action of their supervisors in putting their township bonds in shape to be used by the railroad company after complying with the terms of contract. Thus far, every thing betokens favorably for the early construction of the road.

The billiardists of this place got up a petition to the town trustees and presented it last Monday night, asking that the question of licensing a billiard saloon be submitted to a vote of the people. The board being sentimentally opposed to the institution, and understanding, as did those generally who elected them, that they were chosen because of their opposition to a public billiard saloon, very promptly and properly rejected the petition, and we are not shedding any tears.

From numerous inquiries we are led to say in regard to our wheat prospects that somewhere about a half crop, a little more or less, is all that may be counted on this year, provided no future disaster befall it. Of course we speak of winter wheat. Some farmers are plowing their fields up where the wheat seemed to be killed. As a general rule, the wheat that was put in with drills, on carefully prepared ground, has scarcely failed in a single instance of putting in a good appearance. It is the old fashioned broadcast sowing that has failed.


A great sensation is just ahead among the ladies of Rushville and vicinity, the occasion of which is a rumor (but we know it is a fact and so declare it now) the Mrs. Susan Crosier is just purchasing one of the finest lot of millinery goods ever brought to Rushville. Her house, just south of G. W. Scripps’, has been kept lively of late by increasing sales, which enables her to purchase more freely than heretofore. Thankful for the generous patronage of the past, she hopes to merit continuation of the same.


Mr. S. M. Horney, living near Littleton, met with a severe accident on Saturday last while raking corn in his field, his horse got frightened and ran away, throwing him down and dragging the heavy rake over him, by which he had a rib broken, his face and other parts of his body badly bruised. He made a narrow escape, and will be confined to his room for several days.
    We get the above from Mr. John Barnes.

HAVING received so many marks of appreciation from the people of Rushville and surrounding country since the formation of our new firm, we take pleasure in thus returning our thanks therefor. We are happy to believe that our almost daily receipt of fresh goods direct from the best markets coupled with our intention to please our patrons and be behind hand in nothing, will render our large trade still larger and more permanent. Warren Bros. & Co.


Well, it doesn’t make any difference, and we do not intend to be imprudent, but only get at it this way to say to you that if you want to visit any neighboring towns, or go out in the country singlewise or familywise, or any otherwise, that you can find just the horse, buggy or carriage that you want, to take you swiftly, safely, comfortably, at the livery stable of the Messrs. Neills’, who have recently bought out the interest of Mr. Austin, and are determined to make their stable all that the public could ask it to be. Go try them and see.


  • Mr. Jacob Ruth, left last week for Nebraska, to remain probably during the summer.
  • We are sorry to learn that Mr. Robert N. Chadsey is lying quite sick at his father’s with but small hope of recovery. His brothers Newton and Barton have come from their homes in Kansas to be with him.
  • We learn that Mrs. Susannah Brown, of California, daughter of Mr. Geo. Greer, of this place, expects to start for Rushville on a visit about the 4th of May next.
  • We received a letter this week from our former townsman, Mr. Eli Gapen, now of Kingston, Mo., where in connection with J. H. Heiser he carries on a wagon shop and sells all kinds of agricultural implements. Kingston is the county seat of Caldwell county, eight miles south of the Hannibal & St. J. R. R. Eli writes us he has a bouncing two-year-old boy. A hint to all old bachelors.


If you want to see the biggest orchard in Schuyler county get Mr. Augustus or Joseph Warren to go with you some pleasant day to their 120 acre farm, one and one half miles west of Rushville, just ayant the banks and braces o’bonnie “Horney,” it being well situated in respect to variety of soil, exposure, location, etc. At the present time they have 65 acres in fruit as follows: 1,400 apple trees, bought last year from Manlove’s and King’s nurseries, near Rushville; 800 pears, 500 of which were bought last fall from Bubach, of Princeton, the balance from Elwood; 1,600 peaches (400 of King, 1,200 of Harkness, of Elmwood); also 2,000 blackberry and 8,000 raspberry plants now being set out, from the Elmwood nursery. In all, 8,800 fruit trees, 5,000 rasp and blackberries. It is their intention to cover the entire 120 acres in fruit-bearing trees and shrubbery. The apple trees are set out thirty feet apart each way, the peaches midway between them. The dwarf pears are ten feet apart and the standard 16 feet. We applaud the enterprise of the Messrs. Warrens in this direction, and shall look forward with interest to the success of their pomological investment.


  • Weather glorious.
  • Boys uproarious.
  • Wheat going up still–$1.60 to $1.70.
  • W. H. Hodge wants your wool. See his advertisement.
  • This fine farming weather is making dull time in town.
  • The Rushville post-office opens at 7 a.m. and closes at 8 p.m.
  • For good bargains in dry-goods and notions go to Tetrick & Wells’.
  • Hungarian grass seed at J. L. Parrott’s, north side of the square.
  • Rev. Wm. H. Taylor, one of the early pioneers of Schuyler county, died a few days since. No particulars.
  • Tetrick & Wells are driving a lively trade in their tastefully arranged room on the west side of the public square.
  • Our town trustees at their last meeting ordered the purchase of two thirty-six foot ladders for use in case of fires.
  • Letters to E. M. Rockford, Wm. C. Taylor, Sadie Powell and Mary Little are lying in the post-office without any stamps on them.
  • Mr. Pumyea has sold his interest in the mill in the north end of town, also his dwelling house and lot to Mr. Thomas Packard, of Young America.
  • A fine a ray of just such goods as you are now wanting to buy, at Tetrick & Wells’.
  • A. B. Clarke (druggist) informs us that he has just received one of the largest stocks of wall paper ever brought to this market. Remember, also, Clarke is the man that trims all the wall paper he sells.
  • Well, Goodwin & Byrns are out to day in a quarter column on this page. Their present stock is entirely new, very large, and is to be sold very low. This firm is offering great inducements to the public.
  • Early Rose potatoes at John Landon’s.
  • After this week O. Lacroix’s news depot, heretofore in the postoffice building, will be continued at A. B. Clarke’s drug and book store. The Chicago dailies and all the popular weeklies and monthlies furnished to customers as usual.
  • Green apples, dried and canned fruit of all kinds at Cooney & Jones.
  • The National Sunday school Convention in Indianapolis last week was a grand success. Mr. R. H. Griffith was a delegate, and will address the public on what he saw, heard and learned there, next Sunday evening in the Presbyterian church.

Schuyler Presbytery 

    Schuyler Presbytery met in Mr. Sterling on the 9th inst., lasting two days. Twenty-five ministers were present, and thirty churches were represented. Rev. W. C. Burchard was chosen moderator, Rev. Wm. Knight and Elder E. H. Young clerks.
    Thirty churches reported having settled in full with their ministers, two not settled; nineteen made no report thereof.
    The new liquor law of the state was endorsed, and all Presbyterians exhorted to aid in its impartial execution.
    Female missionary societies are recommended to be formed in every congregation.
    Overtures were sent up to the General Assembly, asking that measures be taken to declare the solemn protest of the Presbyterian church, against the fearful iniquities legalized and practiced in several states of the Union, with regard to divorce, and to restrain its ministers from officiating at any pretended marriage either party to which has been divorced, for reasons not declared valid in the New Testament.
    The Presbytery declared itself as follows on the Sunday post office question:
    First, in ordinary cases it would be a violation of the fourth commandment to take mail matter from the post office on the Sabbath day.
    Second, a Christian has no right to engage in any employment which would compel him to violate the law of God. It is higher than civil law, and cannot be violated by human legislation.
    The Presbytery also declared that any man or corporation loaning money at a higher rate of interest than the civil law allows, does that which is highly detrimental to Christian character and gives evidence of moral delinquency.
    The next Presbytery will meet at Young America on Tuesday evening before the Synod.


    BESSELL–EIDSON.–On the 14th, at Bethel church, four miles this side of Brooklyn, by Rev. Jas. Dewitt, MR. MATTHIAS J. L. BESSELL and MAGGIE L. EIDSON.
    “It is not good for man to be alone.” Many kind wishes to friend Bessell and his bride. May they prove that in union there is strength, and long live to enjoy their union!
    CLARK–SCHENK.–On the 18th day of April, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Summum, Fulton Co., by Rev. Mr. Ling, L. W. CLARK and Miss FANNIE SCHENK.
    We have some objections to our boys going from home to get wives, when we have so many of them here that can’t be beat anywhere. Nevertheless, the Doctor has traveled extensively over the western states, and we are satisfied his selection has been choice. We bid them bon voyage over the sea of life, and a peaceful haven “ever on the other side.”


Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the estate of Daniel Berry, deceased, that I shall attend in the county court of Schuyler county, Ill., at the court house in Rushville on Monday, the 20th day of May, 1872, for the purpose of making my final report as executor of the will of said deceased, when and where all persons interested can attend and show cause, if any they have, why said report should not be approved and the undersigned finally discharged.
Robert B. McMaster, Rushville, Ill., April 10, 1872, Executor.

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