Schuyler County, Illinois Excerpts from The Schuyler Citizen Newspaper, February 15, 1872



Excerpts from
The Schuyler Citizen

February 15, 1872

    Wells & Goodwin will offer at public sale their stock of goods, consisting of drygoods, boots and shoes, queensware, hats and caps, furniture, groceries, etc., commencing February 17th, 1872, at 10 o’clock a.m., and will continue the sale from day to day until the entire stock is closed out.
    Terms of Sale–For all sums under five dollars, cash in hand; for that amount and over, on a credit of nine months, the purchaser giving note with approved security.
    Up to day of sale we will sell goods upon the terms above at very low figures.

    OUR NEXT FAIR.–We are informed by the secretary of the Schuyler County Agricultural Board that it has been decided to hold the regular annual fairs on the first week of October of each year.

    PRAISEWORTHY.–The collector of Rushville township, Mr. Amos Sylvester, finding that Mr. Reuben Reese, an industrious, respectable citizen of this township, was unable to pay his taxes this year, because of sickness and the breaking of his collar bone, sometime last summer, at once went to work in his behalf, and in a short time collected dimes and quarters enough to pay his taxes and leave a surplus which was presented to the family.
    It gives us infinite pleasure to record deeds of kindness like the above. “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me.”

    AUCTION.–As will be seen elsewhere, Messrs. Wells & Goodwin will begin on next Saturday to sell of their stock of goods at auction. There will be many good bargains for those who attend. Their stock on hand is large and comprises such articles as every one needs. We understand this sale of goods in made to make room for a mammoth stock of spring goods to be opened in that house in April next by the new firm of Wells, Goodwin & Byrns, the latter gentlemen, who is a young man of large experience in merchandising, coming into the firm at that time. Remember the auction begins next Saturday and continues till everything is sold out.

    PERSONAL.–The Rev. Mr. Zuppann, of Wapello, Iowa, a minister of the German Methodist Church, visited this place and the German Church “Emanuel,” west of here, on Sunday last, as an agent for the collection of funds to aid in the erection of a German Methodist church in his place.
    –Mrs. Harriet Stansbury, of this place, left with her family on Saturday last, to make her home in Plymouth, Hancock county.
    –Mrs. Maria Munro, formerly Miss Maria Stevens, of this place, returned to her parents, now living a few miles out of town, a few days since. Her husband went from his home to St. Joseph, Mo., one day, and forgot to come back.

    THE SINGING CLASS.–Prof. Wilson closed his first term of ten lessons in vocal music in this place last evening. To say that his patrons have been well pleased does not altogether express the idea. They are enthusiastic. The plan of meeting nightly is a great improvement over the one or two nights a week plan. He begins a new term to-morrow (Friday) evening, and all who desire to avail themselves of an opportunity for rapid and thorough instruction in music should not neglect this chance. He proposes to give lessons on this second term on the same terms as before, $2, with the privilege of a gratuitous lesson at 3 p.m. of each day. He desires also to form a juvenile class, to meet at 4 p.m. and close at 5 each day at $1 per scholar. This second term will probably close with a concert. We advise young men and ladies from the neighborhood around to come into this class.


  • No changes of any moment in prices of produce.
  • Byron Crandall wants 100 mules two years old and over.
  • “Whatever you choose, choose first, love. Whatever you lose, lose not love.”
  • Pink Avery, who was shot in the thigh while breaking out of jail the other day, in improving.
  • Mr. Wm. B. Jenkins has a singing school in Littleton, and another at White Frame, three miles west.
  • Loaded teams crossed the river on the ice at Beardstown last week for the first time this winter. So says the Illinoian.
  • The Sabbath-school south of town, superintended by Mr. Willis Carson, has adjourned to the first Sunday in April next.
  • Our cornet band drummist says he has been playing so hard lately on the bass drum that his lungs are e’en-a-most gin out.
  • Mr. Wm. H. Hite offers his farm for sale, one and one-half miles south of Brooklyn. See his advertisement on second page.
  • On Monday night last, in Rushville, the mercury went down forty-degrees between midnight and daylight. Can you beat that?
  • Mrs. Tipton has been elected superintendent of the Pleasantview Sabbath-school, and we learn that it is in a highly prosperous condition.
  • Tice Misenhimer has again rented the river warehouse at Frederick, and is paying the highest market price in cash for all kinds of country produce.
  • The sociable of the M. E. Church will meet at the residence of Mr. Thos. Wilson next Friday evening. A full attendance of all the members is requested.
  • George Barnhart will have a public sale at his place, one mile south of Rushville, on the 24th inst., of horses, cows, hogs, wagon and harness, farming utensils, etc.
  • Five members were added to the Presbyterian Church here last Sunday, four by profession, one by letter. Whole number of additions since April last, forty-two.
  • Wm. Donaldson will sell at public auction at his place, three miles east of Littleton, on next Saturday, 18 hogs, 2 horses, 1 wagon, 1 reaper and mower, several stands bees, farming and household utensils.
  • The officers and executive committee of the Schuyler County Agricultural Society are now meeting every Saturday afternoon, for the purpose of perfecting the list of premiums for the next exhibition in October.
  • We learn that the Catholics of Rushville have purchased a lot, the north-east quarter of the vacant ground nearly opposite the foundry where the last show was held, with the intention of erecting a church building thereon during the approaching summer.
  • A colored lady from Mt. Sterling, Brown county, was in Rushville last week soliciting contributions for building a small church, to cost about $600, for the colored people of that place. Over $100 had been subscribed at the time the paper was presented at this office.
  • We have no doubt our readers perused with great interest the racy letters of Mr. James R. Davis, of Dallas, Texas, in our last paper, and will be, therefore, prepared the better to read Mr. Austin’s rejoinder in to-day’s paper. The question now is, what will Texas say next?
  • On Tuesday last a large drove of cattle heading east passed through our streets. All our devil (who saw them through the window) could learn was, that they were bought in Dunnowhere by Mr. Whatyoumaycallhim, and he was taking them to Weissnichtwo. But it was a very cold day.
  • Our correspondent from Birmingham is right. Republicans ought to be wide awake at the spring elections, and begin early in the year to learn how to turn out and vote, so as to be prepared in November to elect Grant and Colfax by such an overwhelming vote as this country never before witnessed.

Probate Notice
Estate of STEPHEN WALKER, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims and demands against the estate of STEPHEN WALKER, deceased, to present the same for proof of claims at a regular term of the county court of Schuyler county, to be holden at the court house in Rushville, on
Monday, 19th day of February, A. D. 1872.
All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment to the undersigned without delay.

    McCREERY-McNEELEY.–On the 7th inst., at the residence of the bride’s mother, in Oakland township, by Rev. W. R. Orr, Mr. ROBT. H. McCREERY and Miss MARY E. McNEELEY.
    It is a long time since this office has been so bountifully remembered on any similar occasion. We offer our very hearty thanks for this kind recognition of the merit of the craft, and with our congratulations invoke for them the choicest blessings of Him who has said, “It is not good for man to be alone.”
    McCREADY-FREEMAN.–Feb. 2d, at the residence of the bride’s brother, by Rev. J. R. Berry, Mr. FRANK A. McCREADY and Miss H. E. FREEMAN, all of Webster City, Iowa.

    ALLISON.–In Mt. Sterling, Illinois, on the 30th of January, of lung fever and heart disease, after an illness of five days, Mrs. AMANDA M. ALLISON, daughter of Thomas and S. C. Howell.
    She was converted in 1860 and united with the Methodist church, and lived a consistent Christian life till called away by death. She had been a resident of Kansas for five years, and came home some ten months since on account of ill health. She was visiting friends in Mt. Sterling when stricken down. In all her suffering she gave bright evidence of her acceptance with Christ. The day before her death she sent for the minister and expressed her willingness to die and be at rest. She leaves a husband in Kansas, father, mother, brothers, sisters and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss; but we mourn not as those who have no hope.
    “I know thou art gone to the home of they rest,
    Then why should my soul be so sad?
    I know thou art gone where they weary are blest,
    And the mourner looks up and is glad.

    “I never look up with a wish to the sky
    But a light like thy beauty is there;
    And I hear a low murmur like thine in reply
    When I pour out my spirit in prayer.”
    PATTESON.–In this place, at the residence of E. D. Leach, on the 12th inst., of consumption, Miss LAURA PATTESON, daughter of Mr. Jonathan Patteson, in the fortieth year of her age.

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