Excerpts from The Schuyler Citizen
March 14, 1872
ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as candidate for Town Marshal at the approaching municipal election, HENRY NELSON, Sr. BIBLE MEETING.–The annual Schuyler County Bible Society will meet in the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening. Addresses from the several pastors and the county agent. EATING ROOM.–Chas. Reed keeps a neat and comfortable eating-room one door north of his bakery, where a single person or a company of persons can be supplied at any hour with a comfortable meal at fair prices. A SLOW TRAVELER.–Our county clerk received a letter this week from a gentleman in a neighboring county who gives him this astounding information: “I have been coming down to Rushville all winter.” IMPORTANT INFORMATION.–The child of one Jacob Bell who left this county for California about twenty years ago, can secure important information by addressing the editor of this paper. If any of our readers know anything in regard to such a person they will please send us word. WHOSE IS IT?–A letter came to the Rushville post-office last Saturday night addressed as follows: “Rushville, Chyler county, Ills.” Only that and nothing more. It is postmarked Monongahela City, Pa. It may be for John Smith, but we suppose it will be sent to Washington city for the post-master general to examine. COMPLIMENTARY.–The Galesburg Register of March 6th in speaking of the music furnished at a late anniversary in Knox Academy thus compliments one of our Rushville girls: “It is sufficient praise to say that Miss Bagby sang alto and Miss Morey soprano. These two young ladies are considered the finest singers in the institution.” BEAT THIS WHO CAN!–There is a Sabbath School in the vicinity of Rushville where the secretary writes a certain surname but once and dittoes it forty-one times! and these forty-two persons belong to five families. If you can beat this come along and we will still promise you more. Neither does it require any intermarrying to make up this company, as was once queerly intimated by the Bureau county Herald on the occasion of our speaking of another instance of this kind, though not so numerous. RAILROAD AGAIN.–Messrs. Ray, McCreery and Ewing met with the leading officers of the Rock Island & St. Louis and the Springfield, Illinois & South-Eastern roads in Rock Island on Monday last, and returned home Tuesday bringing the gratifying intelligence that the prospects for a satisfactory arrangement between the two roads, whereby the latter would proceed immediately to complete the road of the former through this and McDonough counties and on to Burlington, were most satisfactory. A meeting for the final completion of negotiations is to be held in Springfield next Wednesday. That meeting means business. Look out then. Vice-president Beecher is expected in town to-day.  LETTERS WITHOUT STAMPS.–Notwithstanding, everybody knows that post-masters cannot forward letters that are left in the office without stamps on them, or that have stamps on them that have been used before: still, scarcely a week passes that does not bring to the Rushville post-office from one to a half dozen letters that cannot be forwarded. The following are now in this office. They will be retained till Saturday evening, before sending to Washington. If you are interested in having them forwarded to their destination, come and put a stamp on them. The addresses are to Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, Ashley, Ill.; N. A. Peers, Collinsville, Ill.; Mrs. Salley Blackburn, Brooklyn, Ill.  BROKEN LEGS.–Last week we chronicled the misfortune of Mr. Joseph McGowan, who had his leg broken by the kick of a horse. On Thursday night last Mr. Philander Avery, while walking home from a meeting near Erwin, the night being very dark, stepped off the bridge this side of Mr. Gray’s residence, a short distance beyond Erwin, and falling down among the logs broke his leg between the knee and thigh. And still another:–A young man by the name of Phillips, working with Mr. H. Bedenbinder, in Woodstock township, while riding in an open wagon, had his leg broken between the knee and foot by coming between the hind axle of the wagon and a stump. Three broken legs in three neighboring townships in three weeks is pretty brisk business.  SHORTS.
- Lookout for new goods at the hardware store of Nell & Greer.
- Mr. Wm. Hart has left Galesburg, and is on the wing again; was in Rushville this week.
- The next M. E. church sociable will be held at the residence of Mrs. Martin Ryan on to-morrow (Friday) evening.
- Winter is lingering in the lap of spring; time he was leaving; we want roses and birds, green peas and radishes.
- Mr. John Lawler, who went to California last September, returned home last week to stay. He likes Schuyler best. Sensible.
- We learn that there is a great interest in the Christian church in Browning, and that many are joining that Church there.
- An effort is making to have that distinguished orator, Rev. Wm. Milburn, to deliver one or more lectures in this place sometime this month.
- A beautiful thing is the musical little bell cast in miniature from the great Chicago bell burned in the late fire. For sale by Lacroix at the post-office.
- Read the letters of our several correspondents. The Texas letter is rather long, but Davis had a big state to defend and we concluded not to curtail this time.
- We call attention to the double column advertisement of Warren Bros’s & Co. on this page. Please read all they say. They have truly a splendid array of goods.
- Supervisors’ court in session. They resoluted in favor of the new liquor law. Good! Will give proceedings next week. A liberal-minded, wide-awake, intelligent board. Their record, in the main, does them credit.
- Elder Simpson, aided by Elder Sharples, of Eureka, Ill., is still holding meetings in the Christian church here, and will continue as long as the interest continues. Up to this week eighteen have united with the Church.
- Read A. B. Clarke’s column. He has recently put in a large number of new and convenient drawers, and otherwise put his house in the best of order. His business increases from year to year; a sure sign of a reliable druggist.
- Musical persons who anticipate buying an organ or piano will find it to their advantage to call on M. Clark, agent for the Whitney & Holmes organ company. He is giving some splendid bargains in that line. Headquarters at A. B. Clarke’s drug store.
- Messrs. Little & Ray are fitting up the old building just across the alley east of the post-office into a very substantial and very neat business place. The reconstructed house has two large rooms 20×30, and are to be occupied, we learn, for a meat market.
- The twenty-seventh snow fell on Sunday night last to the depth of about three inches, a little more or less, and was a most grateful gift. Good for the wheat fields, good for the supply of water it furnished on melting, good for the maple sugar making too, we suppose.
- “Spring is coming,” says the son. Spring is coming says Mr. J. M. Sweeney, and further adds, “Let your readers know that my spring stocks are beginning to arrive, and that in my rooms they will find any kind of goods they may want; and, further, they shall have them at the very lowest figures I can sell them.” Ladies and gentlemen, go see for yourselves. Cash or produce is legal tender.
- Green apples, dried and canned fruit of all kinds at Cooney & Jones.
- The M. E. Church South has been holding a series of meetings at the Davis school house near Erwin, under the care of their pastor, Rev. Mr. Myers, assisted by their presiding elder, for the past two weeks. A good deal of interest has been manifested. Some thirty have joined them in church fellowship. We are indebted for the above to “S. W.” of Camden.
- See among our advertisements that of the Quincy Whig. We have before spoken of the daily Whig as a valuable paper for business men, particularly in this place and elsewhere hereabouts, where the morning papers containing full telegraphic reports are received in the forenoon of each day. We still recommend the daily Whig to them. The weekly Whig also will be found to contain a full synopsis of all the leading items of interest usually contained in a number one weekly paper. See terms and get up clubs.
- All goods delivered free at Cooney & Jones’.

FAMILY GROCERIES. J. L. Parrott is selling groceries as cheap as ever; receiving fresh goods almost daily; gives you a good chance to get them fresh from the markets, cheap and in good order. He will not be undersold. All goods delivered in town free.
GARRISON’S BIG OATS.–Mr. Isaac Garrison has a large quantity of his celebrated “English oats” on hand for seed. Call at his premises, five miles north of Rushville, when you want.

Letter from Mr. Todhunter. Peoria, Ill., March 7th, 1872. Editor Citizen:–The CITIZEN brings the sad news of the death of an old and valued friend, Mrs. James L. Anderson. Scenes of by-gone days crowd thick and fast on my memory as I read that mournful page. The family, of which her late lamented husband J. L. Anderson was the head, were among my early friends in Rushville. No common friends, but such as I could grapple to my heart with hooks of steel. I might tell of many happy hours we have spent together with other friends, many of whom I shall see no more on earth, but these scenes of bygone days will remain fresh and green in my memory until my ashes shall mingle with theirs. I knew Mrs. Anderson well. She was a woman of noble impulses and, like her husband, always a generous friend in sunshine and in storm. Rushville owes much to her memory. She was a lady in every sense of the word; and no one contributed more than she did toward modeling society in good morals and refinement. Love for the beautiful was a prominent trait in her character. Surrounded as she was by the choicest plants and flowers which she cultivated with a skillful hand, they seemed almost a part of her self, so closely were they entwined with her nature. Let them be cherished and protected from the winter frosts, and kept as mementoes of her, whose eyes loved to look upon them, now that those eyes are closed forever. She needs them no more. She has gone to a land where flowers never fade; to a land where no untimely frosts can nip the buds, and where disappointment and sorrow will be no more. As friend after friend disappears from the busy stage of life, I am forcibly reminded that I, too, must soon follow them. A few more months or years, at most, and I, in turn, will be numbered with the dead. Few remain in Rushville who formed society in the dear old days of “auld lang syne,” and the time will soon be when an old settler will not tread its streets. I love to call to memory those scenes of by-gone days; the clouds that sometimes hung over us then, are fast fading away, while the sunshine of those happy years will remain engraven on my heart until its beatings are stilled in death. The little privations incident to the settlement of a new country were blessings in disguise. They had a tendency to make us feel our dependence on one another and bind us more closely together in the tenderest and sweetest tie, that of friendship. But as link after link is broken, and tie after tie is severed, let the old settlers not be forgotten. The beautiful trees that adorn your streets, and the shrubbery around your homesteads, were left as a legacy. Then while they afford grateful shelter to your children, teach them to love the memory of those who planted them there. Let them learn to protect them for the sake of those whose hands are powerless now. O, woodman, spare that tree! Touch not a single bough, In youth it sheltered me, And I’ll protect it now. ‘Twas my forefather’s hand That placed it near our cot; So, woodman, let it stand, Thy axe shall harm it not.
STATE OF ILLINOIS, Schuyler County In the Schuyler County Circuit Court, To the May Term, A. D., 1872 Moses Godlove vs Warren P. Rose & Mary Rose Foreclosure.
STATE OF ILLINOIS, Schuyler County In the Schuyler County Circuit Court, To the May Term, A. D., 1872 Philip C. Skiles, assignee of M. Farwell & Co., a firm composed of Maro Farwell, Chas. Farwell, Grove Coningham, George Little and Wm. H. Ray vs Isaiah Russell and Mary Jane Russell Foreclosure.

COUNTY MAP.–The company that got up the map of our county are now busy distributing it among the subscribers. We would here repeat of it what we have frequently intimated, that is is beyond all comparison the most valuable contribution of its kind ever made to this county. The map of the state, on the first page, is of the latest and most complete pattern ever made to this date. The maps of the several townships showing the timber land and prairie, the streams, school houses, churches, farms, etc., etc., all accurately defined. The general history of each township, biographies of old settlers and leading citizens, sketches of residences beautifully engraved, plats of towns and villages, gotten up with the utmost care, together with other items of interest, go to make up one of the most interesting souvenirs to a citizen of the county that can be conceived of. The fact that here and there a name is misspelled or date changed does not detract from its value to any possessor of the work, who can readily correct his own book, for the use of children’s children’s great-grand-children. What more fitting heir-loom could a parent leave to his children! Ours being the first book published since the Chicago fire, in which the company lost all their material, was subjected to great disadvantages. Nevertheless, with rare exceptions, so far as we have heard, subscribers are satisfied. Some are enthusiastic. From our acquaintance with Messrs. Andreas, Lyter & Company, we are assured they are honorable gentlemen and propose to do the right thing. We would like to see them go through the entire state and carry their truly valuable enterprize into every county.

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