It is situated inthe S. E. ¼ of the S. W. ¼ of section 2, and was surveyedand platted August 5th, 1870, by J. Stumm, Deputy County Surveyor, forSamuel Fowler. The name of the post-office is Baders. A neatframe church of the Christian denomination, graces the village, and a commodiousand well built school-house shows that the people are not unmindful ofthe important matter of education.
Present Business
General Merchandise.–S.D. and W. Bader & Co.
Hardware.–Eli Hartly.
Saw Mill.–Bader& Co.
Postmaster.–S. J.Gibbs.Excerpted from The CombinedHistory of Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, 1882
Transcribed by Carol LongwellMiller for Schuyler County ILGenWebCopyright 1999, 2000 RobinL. W. Petersen; all rights reserved. For personal use only. Commercialuse of the information contained in these pages is strictly prohibitedwithout prior permission. If copied, this copyright must appear with theinformation.