Schuyler County, Illinois, Samuel W. Boring


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Samuel W. Boring

TheRushville Times, July 30, 1903
Tiredof Life At Eighty
SamuelW. Boring An Old Schuylerite, Commits Suicide at San Jose, Cal.

SamuelW. Boring, known to many of the old residents of Schuyler,
committedsuicide at San Jose, Cal. on July 12th. Mr. Boring went to
Californiain 1849 when the discovery of gold started the Illinois
settlerswestward. He was accompanied by John McNeeley, Wm. Louden, Dick
Stevensonand Edward Boring. Mr. Boring did well in the west and became
wealthyand a power in politics. He last visited Rushville about twenty
yearsago. The following account of his death was taken from the San

Themystery surrounding the disappearance of Major Samuel W. Boring, the
well-knownMexican war veteran and one of the most notable pioneers in
thissection, was explained this afternoon, when the dead body of the old
manwas found amid the brush in a deep canyon in Alum Rock park with a
bulletwound thru the head and a British bulldog revolver, 44 caliber, in
hishand. Boring has been missing since last Monday when he was to have
presidedat the celebration in connection with the raising of the flag in
thiscity. The body was found by one of the Alum Rock campers, Mr. Sanford
ofCenterville, who was searching in the canyon for some twisted boughs
withwhich to make rustic benches. Major Boring’s bicycle was also found
partlyhidden in the brush.

Thetheory advanced is that Boring lay down deliberately at the point
wherehe has just been found, placed the revolver to his mouth and then
pulledthe trigger. Death must have been instantaneous. The body was
identifiedby C. H. Geldert and Coroner Kell of San Jose was notified.
Kellat once proceeded to the park and an inquest was held, Oliver
Blanchardbeing foreman of the jury. A verdict of suicide was returned.

MajorBoring was seen by his landlady, Mrs. Julia S. Dyer, at the Le Franc
building,163 West Santa Clara street about 6 o’clock or a little later on
lastSunday evening, dressed as for church, but in reply to a question he
saidhe was not going to church, but for a walk. Major Sherman called on
himSunday afternoon, and states that while he was there Major Boring’s
step-daughtercame and asked him for 25 cents. Boring said he had no
changeless than $5, so Major Sherman handed him the quarter for the girl.

Twofive-dollar gold pieces were found in the pockets of Boring’s trousers
inhis room with his keys. His watch was also in his vest hanging on the
bedpost.In one respect the mystery surrounding the man’s death remains.
Nothingat all was found to indicate any intention of committing suicide.
Nota scrap of paper was found which threw any light on the man’s design.

For50 yrs. Major Boring was prominent in public affairs on this coast. In
earlylife he was sheriff of Nevada county. He came to this valley in 1849
afterthe Mexican war, in which he served distinction. He was one time
mayorof San Jose and served as state senator for one session and as
countyclerk for 2 years. He was 80 and looked 20 yrs. younger, native of
Washingtoncounty, Tenn. Wife and daughter survive.

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