Death Records – Schuyler County, Illinois


SchuylerCounty, Illinois

The followingdeath records were extracted from FHL Microfilm 1311550. These recordswere filmed from the original
Death Record booksat the Schuyler County Courthouse. It should be noted that the recordsthemselves contain more
information than I’vechosen to include here. Copies can be obtained from the above mentionedmicrofilm, the Schuyler
County Clerk, or theSchuyler County Historical Jail Museum.

Death Records, Book1, 1877-1903, Pages 64 – 70

# Name Age Death Burial
Page 64
796 Dewitt Clinton Lawler 11m 12d 2 Sep. 1888, Bainbridge Tp. Rushville, Ill.
797 Sarah Walton 69y 10m 25d 24 Jul. 1888, Browning Tp. Baders Cemetery
798 Martha M. Ward 36y 8m 27d 29 Jul. 1888, Huntsville Camden Cemetery
799 Addra Ethel Milby 5y 1m 26d 27 Jul. 1888, Huntsville Rushville Cemetery
800 Dot Bartalow 6y not given, Littleton Tp. White Oak Cemetery
801 Geo. W. Baker 51y 11 Aug. 1888, Rushville Rushville Cemetery
802 James Ripetoe 73y 11m 6 Sep. 1888, Rushville Rushville Cemetery
803 Louella Wright 23y 10d 28 Aug. 1888, Brooklyn Tp. White Oak Cemetery
804 Alma Pierson 9m 10d 10 Sep. 1888, Browning Baders Cemetery
805 John Pittinger 69y 1m 19d 30 Jul. 1888, Schuyler Co. Vermont Cemetery, Fulton Co., Ill.
806 Birdie McCreery 11y 26 Jul. 1888, Huntsville Huntsville, Ill.
807 George Carden 12y 10m 2d 19 Oct. 1888, Birmingham Tp. Markee Cemetery
808 Elizabeth G. Robinson 51y 3m 7d 18 Oct. 1888, Huntsville Cedar Cemetery
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809 Benjamin Edwd. Wilcox 11m 6d 14 Sep. 1888, Browning Baders Cemetery
810 Joseph Mitchell 10y 7m 9d 29 Oct. 1888, Browning Ridgeville Cemetery
811 Clarretta Lancaster 26y 11m 7d 26 Nov. 1888, Browning Ridgeville Cemetery
812 Freddy Thario 2y 5m 7d 1 Dec. 1888, Browning No. 1 Cemetery
813 Pernecia Weaver 74y 10m 1d 13 Dec. 1888, Littleton Littleton, Ill.
814 James Anderson King 25y 2m 8d 16 Oct. 1888, Schuyler Co. Huntsville, Ill.
815 female Vanormer 2y 10 Oct. 1888, Huntsville Cedar Cemetery
816 Mary Nelson 32y 17 Jan. 1889, Huntsville Cedar Cemetery
817 Alvin Pettijohn 22y 29 Sep. 1889 [1888], Huntsville Cedar Cemetery
818 Catherine Moore 43y 2m 8d 15 Feb. 1889, Birmingham Tp. Huntsville Cemetery
819 Frederick Wilmot 40y 10m 6d 22 Apr. 1887, Rushville Rushville Cemetery
820 Sarah Ann Ingles 21y 27 Nov., Woodstock Lankford Cemetery
821 Lawrence W. Kinsey 15d 1 Feb. 1889, Woodstock Rushville Cemetery
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822 Mary Ellen Robertson 30y 10m 18d 30 Mar. 1889, Browning Baders Cemetery
823 Albert Ross Sherrill 16y 14d 30 Mar. 1889, Browning Ridgeville Cemetery
824 Charles H. Marrs 16y 3m 7d 28 Mar. 1889, Huntsville Cedar Cemetery
825 Hobert Wardell  3d 13 Mar. 1889, Woodstock Tp.
826 Mattie Snyder 5y 15 Apr. 1889, Littleton
827 Harriet D. Watts 81y 3 May 1889, Huntsville Cedar Cemetery
828 Lula Anna Pearson 11d 8 May 1889, Browning Baders Cemetery
829 Wm. Lewis 89y 2m 6 May 1889 Brooklyn Cemetery
830 Robt. S. Blackburn 62y 4m 7 May 1889, Brooklyn Brooklyn Cemetery
831 Emma J. Leonard 33y 3m 15d 10 Feb. 1889, Brooklyn White Oak Cemetery
832 Willis Shankle 64y 7 Jun. 1889, Huntsville Cedar Cemetery
833 Clarence Sayer 1m 6 Aug. 1889, Browning Baders Cemetery
834 Mary Frew 76y 2m 20d 20 Aug. 1889, Browning Baders Cemetery
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835 Mary Etta Root 2m 29d 9 Aug. 1889, Bainbridge Tp. Gillett Cemetery
836 John B. Metz 41y 3m 29d 12 Jul. 1889, Rushville Rushville Cemetery
837 Emma Lawler 35y 7m 17d 5 Jul. 1889, Rushville Mt. Sterling, Brown Co., Ills.
838 Alice Melissa Cooney 32y 10m 18d 14 Jul. 1889, Rushville Rushville Cemetery
839 not given male not given 31 Oct. 1889, Frederick
840 Nancy Jane Rose 74y 2m 5d 10 Oct. 1889, Pleasantview Frederick Tp.
841 Carl Jordan 2m 29 Oct. 1889, Schuyler Co.
842 James E. Hodges 2y 6m 29 Nov. 1889, Schuyler Co.
843 Lillie Perkins 17y 4m 7d 9 Oct. 1889, Browning Ridgeville Cemetery
844 Laura J. Wineburn 18y 7m 8d 22 Dec. 1889, Browning Baders Cemetery
845 Charles Clinton Busby 1y 11m 16d 2 Oct. 1889, Browning Tracy Cemetery
846 Stephen Henry Hickman 1y 5m 6d 10 Dec. 1889, Browning Ridgeville Cemetery
847 Laura J. Wilcox 18y 7m 8d 22 Dec. 1889, Browning Baders Cemetery
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848 Solomon Dodge 90y 7m 15 Dec. 1889, Littleton Littleton, Ill.
849 Henrietta Burell 11m 16d 31 Jan. 1890, Butlersville Butlersville Cemetery
850 Ida E. Blodget 32y 8m 24 Jan. 1890, Buenavista Tp. Bethna
851 Mary Walton 75y 8 Feb. 1890, Browning
852 Barbara Stockwell 61y 1m 10d 9 Feb. 1890, Frederick Tp. cemetery on farm
853 William Earl Bellomy 3y 7m 23d 13 Feb. 1890, Pleasantview Messerer Cemetery
854 Washington Owen 54y 18 Apr. 1890, Camden Camden, Ill.
855 Joel H. Curry 61y 11m 22d 30 Apr. 1890, Pleasantview Messerer Cemetery
856 Cynthia Ann Parish 62y 4m 19d 6 Jul. 1890, Pleasantview Messerer Cemetery
857 Amos Wilcox 1y 10m 12d 19 Aug. 1890, Browning Tp. Bader Cemetery
858 Susan J. Brown 54y 2m 22d 22 Mar. 1890, Browning Baders Cemetery
859 Lulu Fowler 8y 11m 24d 24 Aug. 1890, Browning Baders Cemetery
860 Amanda Jane Campbell 11m 23d 15 Sep. 1890, Frederick Tp. Ridgeville Cemetery
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861 Samuel Phillips 80y 4m 20d 25 Aug. 1890, Browning Baders Cemetery
862 Jennie Snyder 30 Aug. 1890, Littleton Littleton, Ill.
863 George Snyder 31y 28 Oct. 1890, Littleton Littleton, Ill.
864 Elizabeth M. Bickford 69y 3m 22d 19 Oct. 1890, Plymouth, Ill. Plymouth, Hancock Co., Ill.
865 Mary Grey 67y 30 Nov. 1890, Camden Grey Cemetery
866 George Grey 74y 16 Nov. 1890, Camden Grey Cemetery
867 David Armfield Smith 58y 22d 22 Jan. 1891, Huntsville Horeb.
868 Grove Conningham 74y 2m 21 Feb. 1891, Frederick Messerer Cemetery
869 Mary Jane McNeely 4y 1m 21d 9 Apr. 1891, Browning Tp. Ridgeville Cemetery
870 Silas D. Henderson 62y 22d 30 Mar. 1891, Baders Astoria Cemetery, Fulton Co., Ill.
871 Joseph Bovey 72y 9 Apr. 1891, Littleton Littleton, Ill.
872 Gertrude McNeely 3y 29d 13 Apr. 1891, Browning Tp. Ridgeville Cemetery
873 male 1/2 hour 28 Apr. 1891, Rushville Tp.
Page 70
874 Mrs. Dolly Rhodes 23y 26 Apr. 1891, Birmingham Cedar Cemetery
875 male 5d 5 Jun. 1891, Pleasantview
876 Thomas Malcomson 73y 3m 24 Jun. 1891, Pleasantview Rushville, Ill.
877 Lucy Justus 14y 4m 22d 21 Aug. 1891, Browning Baders Cemetery
878 Joseph L. Harmon 18y 6m 10d 26 Aug. 1891, Huntsville Cedar Cemetery
879 William Angel 10y 9m 5d 8 Sep. 1891, Browning Ridgeville Cemetery
880 John Pelsor 79y 5m 18d 16 Jul. 1891, Brooklyn White Oak Cemetery
881 Elizabeth Wallace 83y 14d 13 Sep. 1891, Browning Ridgeville Cemetery
882 Annie Rhoads 1m 15d 7 Nov. 1891, Frederick Ridgeville Cemetery
883 Marge Litchfield 43y 11m 4d 21 Oct. 1891, Hickory Tp. Butlerville Cemetery
884 Frankie Garrison 12y 10m 17d 31 Dec. 1891, Bainbridge Tp. Messerer Cemetery
885 Thomas Reed 74y 6m 1d 27 Jan. 1892, Sharps Landing, near Butlersville Bluff City Cemetery
886 Daniel B. Westlake 56y 7m 22d 9 Feb. 1892, Browning Baders Cemetery

Copyright 1999 RobinL. W. Petersen; all rights reserved. For personal use only. Commercialuse of the information contained in these pages is strictly prohibitedwithout prior permission. If copied, this copyright must appear with theinformation.

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