Bollinger Family Reunion
The Rushville Times, August 4, 1999
The family of the lateLossie and Lula Bollinger held their 26th annual family reunion at TheVirginia, Scripps Park in Rushville on Saturday, July 31. It was hostedby David and Edna Miller and their family, Roger, Kathleen and Sally Jo.
The tables were decoratedin yellow and dark green, with bouquets of flowers of like colors centeringeach table. Each of the six sisters received a flower pot of herb plants.
Before the buffet wasserved, reports were made by a family member on the activities and locationof their families.
After the table blessing,offered by David Miller, the buffet meal was served by Nancy Stoneking.
The afternoon was spentwith visiting and family pictures.
Snacks and soda werefurnished by the hosts.
Family members presentto enjoy the day were:
ST LOUIS, MO.–Art andDonna Wehmeier, David and Janet Haas.
HOLIDAY ISLAND, ARK.–Georgeand Inez Egbert, Max and Betty Riebling.
CHICAGO–David, Pauletteand Dan Trainar, Melinda Stratman, Daniel Green.
BROWNING–Hermenia Egbert,Larry and Debbie Egbert and Katie, David and Edna Miller.
DIXON–Jack and SandraStower.
BELVIDERE–Scott andMissy Armbruster.
ASTORIA–Marilyn Orwig.
QUINCY–Kent, Vickie,Brandon and Cara Egbert.
GREEN VALLEY–Mark andSue Stoneking.
DES MOINES, IOWA–Rogerand Billie Miller.
FORT MADISON, IOWA–Jon,Lisa and Casey Orwig.
BRADENTON, FLA.–Ron,Kathleen and Emily Schoenfelder.
EAST PEORIA–Becil andSally Jo Davis.
Hosts for the year 2000will be Max and Betty Riebling of Holiday Island, Ark., and their familyon July 15.
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