Rebman Family Reunion
The Rushville Times, July 28, 1999
In spite of swelteringtemperatures and the high heat index, several families enjoyed the afternoonJuly 25 visiting and eating together under the shelter at Schuy-Rush Parkoverlooking the beautiful lake.
Lavina Walton sharednumerous family anecdotes and amusing memories from the past.
Two tragic deaths occurredsince last year, Alaina Jo Tippey, 16 year old daughter of Kendall andTeri Tippey, and Brandi Danner, young granddaughter of the late CarrieMae Rebman Hunter. It was also noted that Jerry Gordon of Browning hasbeen seriously ill for the past several months and is awaiting news ofa transplant donor.
Attending this year’sreunion were:
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Rebman;Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Tippey and Justin of Beardstown; Mr. and Mrs. LarryMoore of Blandinsville; Ms. Lavina Walton of Browning; Mr. and Mrs. StanRebman; and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rebman of Rushville.
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