Charles Kennedy Biographical Review

Charles Kennedy

Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois,
Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, Page 426


CHARLES KENNEDY, the subject of the following sketch, was born in Hardin county, Kentucky, May 31, 1810. His father, Peter Kennedy, was an old settler of Kentucky, and like many others of that date went through some very thrilling experiences. He was made a prisoner by the Indians when but thirteen years of age, and for nine years was kept captive among them. Finally, making his escape, he managed to reach Louisville, that beautiful city being then but a trading fort. In those days acquaintanceship grew fast, and ere long, Mr. Kennedy married Rachel Colvin, a Kentuckian, and settled on a farm in Hardin county, where they both remained during life. A younger son still occupies the old home which he owned. Charles Kennedy was married to Sarah Phillips, September 19, 1833, and he and his wife removed to Schuyler county, Illinois. In 1835 he purchased a farm and erected neat buildings; here they lived until May 21, 1853, when Mrs. Kennedy died. To them were born four children: Jesse, Francis, John Q., and Charles C., two of whom are still living, Jesse and John Q. The latter served in the One Hundred and Nineteenth Illinois Infantry, under Captain R. L. Greer. Mr. Kennedy’s second marriage occurred March 8, 1854, to Miss Nancy La Master, a daughter of Abraham and Orpha La Master. Mr. La Master was born in Maryland, and his wife in Virginia, of French extraction. They were married in Kentucky. Mrs. Kennedy was bur three years old when her parents removed to Illinois. She being an early settler has witnessed the entire development and growth of the country; Mrs. Kennedy is still living. Mr. Kennedy died May 16, 1883; to them were born two children: Leander and Mary, Leander married Ellen Malcomson and has three children: Bessie, Ruby and James; Mary married S. R. Carey. Mrs. Kennedy has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for more than fifty years, Mr. Kennedy was a Baptist in belief, and was a life member of that denomination.

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