Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois,
Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, Page 591
DR. W. G. UNLAND, one of the successful physicians and surgeons of Beardstown, was born and chiefly reared in Cass county, Illinois. His people are pioneers of the county. He came of good, respectable German stock, his parents being born in Hanover. His father, Rev. Casper H. Unland, had grown up there and for some time associated in ministerial way with the old German Reformed Church. After coming to this country and settling in Cass county, Mr. Unland connected himself with the Methodist Episcopal Church and was associated with the local work as a Methodist minister. He was so engaged at the time of his death, March 8, 1889, when nearly eighty-two years of age. With the money he had brought with him he bought and improved land, erecting houses and a gristmill, which was one of the first in the county for making flour. He was a good and worthy citizen, a prominent man. At first a Whig, but in later years a stanch Republican. His wife who survived him died September 25, 1891, and was eighty years of age on the day of her burial. Her maiden name was Maria Carlas. She was a worthy woman and a good neighbor. The parents of Dr. Unland, recognizing in their son a bright mind and a liking for books, afforded him opportunities for improvement by sending him to the best schools in Quincy, Illinois. After this he completed his classical education at the Wesleyan college at Warrenton, Missouri. The Doctor practices upon a broad and liberal scale, following no particular school. He is a graduate of two different schools: Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago, in the class of 1871 (later he spent one year at Quincy, Illinois); after that he went to Berlin, Germany, and graduated there again in medicine, and returned, remained in Quincy for a time, going thence to Lincoln, Nebraska, later to Fremont, and afterward to Pekin, Illinois, spending some time in each place. Since 1881 he has practiced in Beardstown. His genial nature and cheerful manner have made him very popular in his chosen profession. His experience and thorough education in all branches of medicine have made him very popular and his practice is a very large and paying one. The Doctor was married here to Miss Emily Minton, of Ohio, who lived in Schuyler county for six years after coming to Illinois. Her parents died in Caldwell, Kansas, some years ago. They have a bright little daughter of eight years of age, named Ethel. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. |
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