GeorgeW. Allphin |
GEORGE W. ALLPHIN, section 15, Huntsvilletownship, was born in Kentucky, September 13, 1830. He is the son of Reubenand Susan (Brumback) Allphin. He was five years old when the family cameto Illinois. He was reared on the farm and helped improve the new land.He at- tended such schools as those early days afforded, when they hadlog houses, with slabs for seats, and holes on the south side for windows.In the spring of 1850 he crossed the plains to California, and followedmining for four years, and was successful, returning by way of New Orleans.On his re- turn he purchased eighty acres, on which he now resides. Theland was unimproved and covered with timber. He now owns 115 acres of land,and has the same well improved. He has also a fine quality of stock. Heis a Republican in politics, although he was a Democrat for thirty years.He has been Justice of the Peace and held many minor offices. He has beena successful man, having made his money since 1854, when he came to Illinois,settling in Huntsville.He married, December 10, 1854, Miss AtlantaWilson, daughter of Jamison Wilson. She was born in Huntsville township,in February, 1835. Mr. and Mrs. Allphin have had six children, three living:Anna, wife of James Burmood; Calvin and Sherman. They were members of theCumberland Presbyterian Church for many years, and when that society failedthey united with the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Allphin is a memberof Huntsville Lodge, No. 365, A. F. & A. M., and of Cyclone Lodge,I. O. O. F. He and his wife are highly respected citizens of Huntsville.
JamisonWilson, the oldest living settlerin Huntsville township, was born in what is now Grant county, Kentucky,November 29, 1829. His parents, John R. and Rachel (Junip) Wilson, wereearly settlers in this part of the State. He resided in Kentucky until1836, and then came to Illinois, locating in Cass county, but finally settledin Adams county. They had eight children, of whom the subject was the oldest.The second child was Polly; the others were Nancy, Jane, Sarah, Lucy, Doraand Robert. Jamison Wilson was reared a farmer, and in 1834 he came toIllinois and settled in Huntsville township. He entered and purchased landwhere he resided until quite recently. . He became the owner of 207 acresof land. He continued to reside on a farm until 1886, since which he hasresided, with his daughter, Mrs. Allphin. In politics he was a Ropublican,and a Justice of the Peace for a time. He has been a church memberall his life, having been connected with different denominations, as convenient.
He was married in 1832, to Miss Ellen Thornhill.She was born in Kentucky in 1810, being a daughter of John and Jane Thornhill.She died July 23, 1881. They had seven children: Ulysses resides in Linncounty, Kansas; Atlanta, now Mrs. G. W. Allphin; Melvina married SolomonRawson of Jacksonville, Iowa, and died in 1862; Mary married John Rawson,and resides in Grant county, Kansas; Lucurgus resides in Frederick, Illinois;Palenicus resides on the old homestead; and Xenophon resides in Huntsvilletownship, Illinois.
Biographical Review of Cass, Schuylerand Brown Counties, Illinois, BiographicalReview Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, pages 133-134.
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