William T. Tyson – Biography

WILLIAM T. TYSON, a widely and favorably known citizen of Bainbridge Township, Schuyler County, Illinois, an honored veteran of the late war, and one of the most prosperous farmers of the State, is a worthy representative of a prominent family of distinguished patriots, who sealed their devotion to their country long before she became a distinct nation, and who, by their united and continued efforts, have contributed in no small measure to her steady advancement to her present glorious position among the countries of the world.

Zephaniah Tyson, the distinguished grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Virginia in 1771 and was thus by birth placed on the arena of the most stirring events of that age. It is not surprising, therefore, that he should have developed that surprising precocity which the time itself tended to foster. Born of patriots, breathing the air of patriotism, and drinking in those noble sentiments which have filled the hearts of heroes since the world began, he early put by the pastimes of youth, assuming with ease and pleasure the responsibilities and cares of a man and a soldier. At the age of nineteen years, he enlisted in the Indian war and served under that able and celebrated patriot, General Wayne. Again, in the War of 1812, he was still found fighting under the starry flag; and later, he took part in the Battle of Tippecanoe under General Harrison. Amidst all these warlike engagements, he found time to cultivate the friendship of the little god of love, who directed his shafts from behind the bright glances of Miss Margaret De Long, an amiable and intelligent Virginian, and a descendant of an old and esteemed family of that State. In 1830, he removed to Illinois, which was then a new and sparsely settled country, where he settled on a farm on the southeast quarter of section 3, township 1 north, range 1 west of the Fourth Principal Meridian, where he continued to live until his death in 1849, at the age of seventy-eight years, universally and sincerely lamented.

George Tyson, an able son of a great father, was born in 1807, on the Muskingum River in Ohio. In those times, the young apparently matured much earlier than in our present indolent age, for we find this youth leaving home and starting in pursuit of his fortune long before he was fully grown. He went to Cincinnati, where he found work, and soon afterward purchased a flatboat with which he commenced trading and trafficking with the natives on the Ohio River. In 1829, he married Miss Lucinda Bellamy, a native of Culpeper County, Virginia. Soon afterward, he sold his flatboat and, with the proceeds, purchased a team with which the young couple made the trip overland from a point on the Ohio River to Schuyler County, Illinois, where they settled on a farm in the southeast quarter of section 11, township 1 north, range 1 west. Fortune smiled on their industrious efforts, and in time, Mr. Tyson accumulated considerable property, having 480 acres of choice agricultural land, besides owning a steam saw and grist mill. In 1866, he went West and has never been heard from since. The faithful wife and devoted mother survived her husband’s probable death ten years, expiring September 10, 1876, in her sixty-seventh year, leaving a bereaved family and many friends to mourn her loss.

William T. Tyson, the subject of this notice, was born April 2, 1841, in a log house situated forty rods from his present large and comfortable residence. His early life was spent on the home farm, and he attended the country schools of his vicinity, where he received a good common-school education, sufficient to enable him to teach several schools in his township. At the age of sixteen, he accompanied his parents to Moniteau County, Missouri, where his father bought a farm of 160 acres on the Pacific Railroad and ran a woodyard in connection with his farm, there being an abundance of excellent timber on the land. In the fall of 1858, young William accompanied his parents to Henry County, Missouri, where his father bought 300 acres of excellent prairie land on the west half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 21, in township 43, of range 28. Here the family continued to reside until the outbreak of the Civil War, when the mother and younger children returned to the old homestead in Illinois. It was then that young William displayed that patriotism for which his family was famous, by raising the first flag ever hoisted in the county after the nomination of Abraham Lincoln. He raised a pole fifty feet high, to which was attached a flag fourteen by twenty-one feet, with a rail resting on the top of the pole. He was several times ordered to take it down but refused to do so.

This sentiment of love for his country culminated in his enlistment in the United States service as a private in Company D, Cass County Regiment of Cavalry, Missouri Home Guards, on June 27, 1861, to serve three years, or during the war; and he was discharged at Harrisonville, Missouri, February 28, 1862, by reason of General Order No. 25, paragraph three, Headquarters Department of Missouri, December 14, 1861. He participated in several engagements, the most important of which were Parkersville and Harrisonville, Missouri, July 18 and 19, 1861. He was selected for Second Lieutenant of the company and lacked but a few votes of being elected. He was one of the soldiers who helped guard the first wagon train of provisions to Lyon’s army after the Battle of Wilson’s Creek, Missouri. Soon after his discharge, he started for Illinois and was obliged to cross the entire state of Missouri from west to east at a very dangerous time of the war.

On August 12, 1862, Mr. Tyson re-enlisted as a private in Company D, 115th Regiment, Illinois Volunteers. During this service, he participated in several key engagements, including Chickamauga and Resaca. Captured in 1864, he endured months at infamous Andersonville. Released later, he resumed civilian life. In 1867, he married Sarah Scott. He served in census enumeration roles, building success post-war.

In the spring of 1867, Mr. Tyson had saved up $500, with which he purchased 160 acres of land in section 11, township 1 north, range 1 west. This marked the beginning of his prosperous career as a farmer. Later that same year, on November 10, 1867, he married Miss Sarah J. Scott, an estimable lady and a resident of Schuyler County, Illinois. Their happy married life, however, was destined to be of short duration. On February 22, 1878, the faithful wife and mother passed away at home, surrounded by her family and friends. She was widely known and greatly beloved for her Christian virtues and kind heart. Together, they had four children: Jesse C., Laura, Leora, and Stella, the latter of whom died in infancy. Two grandchildren now continue the family legacy.

In 1880, Mr. Tyson was appointed Census Enumerator for Bainbridge Township, a position to which he was reappointed on May 20, 1890. His service in this role reflected the trust and respect of his community. Over the years, Mr. Tyson became very successful and now owns a fine farm provided with good improvements and well-stocked with livestock. He is comfortably situated and has earned his reputation as one of the most prosperous farmers in Schuyler County.

Politically, Mr. Tyson has always been a steadfast Republican, reflecting his opposition to oppression in any form. His dedication to duty during the war and his efforts to support his community in peacetime highlight his integrity and commitment to justice and freedom.

Mr. Tyson’s life exemplifies the virtues of hard work, patriotism, and devotion to family and community. His service to his country during the Civil War, marked by sacrifice and perseverance, is a testament to his character. His post-war achievements as a farmer and respected community member have further solidified his legacy. As a man of integrity and principle, William T. Tyson is remembered with admiration and respect.

Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler, and Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, pages 266-269.

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