Henry W. Meyer – Biography


HenryW. Meyer

HENRYW. MEYER, a successful farmer and stock raiser of section 7, township 18,range 11, was born near Arenzville, this county, in 1853, December 26.He is the younger of the children, Fred and Catherine Meyer, the latternow deceased and the former yet living (see biography). Henry is the onlyone of the family who was born in the county. He was reared and educatedin his native county. He has a farm of 133 acres, all well stocked. Hehas farmed it on his own account for thirteen years. He has spent his entirelife in this county, as a farmer on his father’s homestead. He also hassixty acres in another part of the county, of which part is under the plow.

Hewas married in this county, near where he now lives, to Minnie Kloker,of Cass county, born March 6, 1858. She was reared and educated in hernative county, where she spent the remainder of her short life, dying ather home at the age of thirty-four, June 28, 1891. She was a good wifeand mother, and her loss was deeply felt not only by her sorrowing family,but by all who knew her. She had been a member of the Lutheran Church sinceearly girlhood. She was the mother of four children: Irvin E., Fred W.,Lewis W., Rudolph J.; and they are all deceased excepting the youngest.Besides, the parents have adopted a girl, named Nora M. Mr. Meyer has reasonto be proud of his children and his record here in the county, where hehas always been a good, true citizen, a faithful member of the LutheranChurch and a staunch Republican.

BiographicalReview of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, BiographicalReview Publishing Co., Chicago, 1892, page 274.

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