Williams D. Scoggan–Biography


  WilliamD. Scoggan  

WILLIAM D. SCOGGAN was born in Lee township,Brown county, Illinois, December 28, 1843. His father was Isham Scoggan,born 1807, in Shelby county, Kentucky. He was the son of William DotsonScoggan, who settled in Kentucky at a very early day, living to be a veryold man, rearing seven children. Isham was the eldest son and on comingto this county he bought 320 acres of land and in 1839 brought his wifeand two children. They made this journey by team. Some eight or ten yearslater his brothers and one sister came, and with them the aged father andmother. The mother of our subject was his father’s second wife and wasnamed Eliza Jane Arnold. Her parents were Kentucky farmers who lived anddied there, leaving a family of nine children. The father of Mr. Scoggandied September 8, 1861, in his fifty-seventh year, leaving 700 acres ofland and other property. The mother, in her seventy-eighth year, is stillliving, but is in feeble health.

William received a common school educationand was reared to a farm life. He is now engaged in stock-farming, raisinggreat numbers of cattle and horses. He has from 150 to 200 head of stock.His land is very fertile and he is able to raise upon it corn, wheat, oatsand hay and, as it is rolling and has natural drainage, he has not beenobliged to do much tilling.

He was first married in Kansas in 1875, buthe lost his wife and one child within two years. He was at that time afarmer of Labette county, and remained there nine years. He owned 320 acres,which he sold and then returned to Illinois to the old homestead. His presentwife was Susie Long, a native of Morgan county, Illinois, and daughterof Andrew and Lizzie (Buckton) Long. He was married September 30, 1891.Mrs. Scoggan is a Methodist, his mother a Missionary Baptist, his niecea Campbellite, and he himself represents the outside world, supportingthem all. He is an ardent Republican.

Biographical Review of Cass, Schuylerand Brown Counties, Illinois, Biographical Review Publishing Co., Chicago,1892, page 172.

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