Schuyler County, Illinois, Submitted Marriage Listings
SchuylerCounty, IllinoisSubmittedMarriage Listings JimPrentice William MOSS Jr. – Miss Margaret TIPPITTState of Illinois, SchuylerCountyI herby certify, That onthe 31 day of December A.D. 1845. I joined in the holy state of MatrimonyWilliam Moss Jr. to Miss Margaret Tippitt according to the custom, andlaws of this State. Given under my hand and seal this first day of JanA.D. 1846. Amos Hart (Seal) JimPrentice William MOSS Sr. – Mrs. Nancy TIPPITTState of Illinois, SchuylerCountyI herby certify, I joinedin the holy state of Matrimony Mr. William Moss Sr. and Mrs Nancy Tippitt,on the 22 day of August A.D. 1847. Given under my … Read more