SchuylerCounty, Illinois
SubmittedMarriage Listings
JimPrentice William MOSS Jr. – Miss Margaret TIPPITT
State of Illinois, SchuylerCounty
I herby certify, That onthe 31 day of December A.D. 1845. I joined in the holy state of MatrimonyWilliam Moss Jr. to Miss Margaret Tippitt according to the custom, andlaws of this State. Given under my hand and seal this first day of JanA.D. 1846. Amos Hart (Seal)
JimPrentice William MOSS Sr. – Mrs. Nancy TIPPITT
State of Illinois, SchuylerCounty
I herby certify, I joinedin the holy state of Matrimony Mr. William Moss Sr. and Mrs Nancy Tippitt,on the 22 day of August A.D. 1847. Given under my hand and seal this Twentythird day of August A.D. 1847. Amos Hart (Seal)
JimPrentice James MOSS – Miss Susannah TIPPETT
State of Illinois, SchuylerCounty
I herby certify, That onthe 20 day of July A.D. 1842. I joined in the holy state of Matrimony JamesMoss to Miss Susannah Tippett according to the custom, and law of thisState. Given under my hand and seal this Twenty first day of July A.D.1842. Amos Hart (Seal)
JimPrentice Elephalet KNIFFEN – Miss Elizabeth MOSS
State of Illinois, SchuylerCounty
I herby certify, That onthe 11 day of Feb. A.D. 1842. I joined in the holy state of Matrimony ElephaletKniffen to Miss Elizabeth Moss according to the custom, and laws of thisState. Given under my hand and seal this Twenth day of Feb. A.D. 1842.Amos Hart (Seal)
LaureenJohnson Warner M. GOULD – Martha MOORE
Between Warner M. Gould,28, and Martha Moore, 23, both of Oakland Twp., Schuyler County, Illinois,on the 13th day of November 1876. Signed William H. Baxter
AnnaDorsett Morris Clarkston DORSETT – Sarah Jane SPRIGG
State of Illinois, CountySchuyler
I certify that on the 22ndday of August A.D. 1844, I joined in the holy state of matrimony ClarkstonDorsett and Miss Sarah Jane Sprigg according to the usual custom, and Lawsof the State of Illinois Given under my hand and seal this 22nd day ofAugust 1844 William Crain Elder M.E. Church (seal)
AnnaDorsett Morris James A. DORSETT – Sarah Ann ROSS
State of Illinois, CountySchuyler
I hereby certify, that onthe 13th day of November A.D. 1845, I joined in the holy state of matrimonyJames A. Dorsett and Miss Sarah Ann Ross according to the custom, and Lawsof this State Given under my hand and seal this 14th day of November 1845 William Crain Elder M.E. Church (seal)
AnnaDorsett Morris Orlando WALKER – Rachel DORSETT
State of Illinois, SchuylerCounty
The People of the Stateof Illinois, to any person lawfully authorized to solemize Marriage–Greeting:You are hereby licensed and permitted to celebrate and certify the ritesof Marriage between Mr Orlando Walker and Miss Rachel Dorsett that consentof Ezeriah Dorsett father of said Rachel Dorsett having been obtained forthat purpose, and for so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. WitmessWilliam Ellis Clerk of the County Commissioner’ Court of said County atRushville this the 17th day of October A.D. 1838 William Ellis Clerk (Note:No marriage registration)
AnnaDorsett Morris Ezra DORSETT – Matilda SPRIGG
State of Illinois, CountySchuyler
I certify that on the 15th day of February A.D. 1844, I joined in the holy state of matrimony EzraDorsett and Miss Matilda Sprigg according to the usual custom, and Lawsof the State of Illinois Given under my hand and seal this 19th dayof February 1844 William Crain Elder M.E. Church (seal) (Note:Thomas Sprigg father gave consent)
AnnaDorsett Morris Samuel D. SPRIGG – Martha Jane DORSETT
State of Illinois, CountySchuyler
I certify that on the 15thday of February A.D.1844, I joined in the holy state of matrimony SamuelD. Sprigg and Miss Martha Jane Dorsett according to the usual custom, andLaws of the State of Illinois Given under my hand and seal this 19th day of February 1844 William Crain Elder M.E. Church (seal)
AnnaDorsett Morris Lindsey DORSETT – Emily CAUSEY
State of Illinois, CountySchuyler
I hereby certify that Ijoined in holy matrimony Mr. Lindsey Dorsett and Miss Emily Causey on theFourteenth day of March A.D. 1851, Given under my hand and seal this Sixteenthday of March A.D. 1851 G. Garner M. G. (seal) (note-this licence was issuedthe 7th of December A. D. 1851 Nathan Moore Clerk)
AnnaDorsett Morris Harrison B. DORSETT – Mary SCOTT
State of Illinois, CountySchuyler
I hereby certify that onthe 21 day of May A.D. 1840, I joined in the holy state of matrimony HarrisonB. Dorsett and Mary Scott according to the usual custom, and Laws of theState of Illinois Given under my hand and seal this 10th day of June1840 W. J. Williams Minister of the M.E. Church (seal)
AnnaDorsett Morris William DORSETT – Elizabeth PENDLETON
State of Illinois, CountySchuyler
I hereby certify that Iin the holy state of matrimony William Dorsett and Miss Elizabeth Ann Pendleton on the 15 day of November A.D. 1849 Given under my hand and seal this 23day of November A.D. 1849 William Crain (seal)
RobinPetersen H. H. ANDERSON – Hannah A. HINDMAN
State of Illinois, SchuylerCounty
I hereby Certify, That onthe 21st day of April A.D. 1858, I joined in the holy state of MatrimonyMr. H. H. Anderson and Miss Hannah A. Hindman according to the custom andlaws of the State of Illinois. Given under my hand and seal, this 4th dayof May 1858. Rev. E. Wishard (seal)
RobinPetersen James HINDMAN – Ruth Minerva CAMPBELL
State of Illinois, SchuylerCounty
I Samuel L. Dark a ministerof the Gospel hereby certify that one the 14th day of May 1872 I joinedin Marriage Mr. James Hindman with Miss Ruth Minerva Campbell agreeablyto the authority given in the above License & the custom & lawsof this State. Given under my hand and seal this 14th day of May A.D. 187-Samuel L. Dark (seal) Minister Gospel
RobinPetersen John A. WILSON – Letta Jane HINDMAN
State of Illinois
I Hereby Certify, That onthe 17th day of April A. D. 1855, I joined in the holy state of MatrimonyJohn A. Wilson and Letta Jane Hindman according to the custom and lawsof the State of Illinois. Given under my hand and seal, this 17th day ofApril 1855. James M. Chase Minister (seal)
RobinPetersen Henry CARTER – Mary HINDMAN
State of Illinois, SchuylerCounty
I Hereby Certify, That Ijoined in the holy state of Matrimony, Mr. Henry Carter and Miss Mary Hindmanon the Eleventh November A. D. 1847. Given under my hand and seal thistwelfth day of November A. D. 1847. Thos. P. W. Magruder, Minister of thegospel (seal)
RobinPetersen Samuel B. HINDMAN – Julia A. MATTHEWS
State of Illinois, Countyof Schuyler
I, James A. Paige a PresbyterianMinister hereby certify that Mr. Samuel B. Hindman and Mrs. Julia A. Matthewswere united in Marriage by me at Mr. James Teel’s in the County of Schuylerand State of Illinois on the 8th day of November A. D. 1876. James A. PaigeMinister
JaneiceCrosson John GRIFFIN (GRIFFITH) – Emeline HUFF
State of Illinois SchuylerCounty
The people of the stateof Illinois To any regular minister of the Gospel
authorised to marry by thesociety to which he belongs, Justies of the
Supreme Court, Judge orJustice of the peace, Greeting.
These are to License andAuthorise you to celebrate and certify the Marriage
of Mr. John Griffin andMiss Emeline Huff and for so doing this will be your
sufficient warrant.
Given under my hand and theseal of the County Commissioners’ Court at
Rushville this 4th day ofApril A.D. 1848
Nathan Morris Clerk c.c.c.s.g.
State of Illinois Schuylercounty
I hereby certify that Ijoined in the holy state of Matrimony, Mr. John
Griffith and Miss EmalineHuff on the 5th day of April A.D. 1848. Given
under my hand and seal tis5th day of April A.D. 1848. Sam Dark M.P.
(On the reverse side of thelicense)
State of Illinois Schuylercounty
I, John Griffin having madeapplication to the clerk of the Co Commiss.
Court of said county forlicense to solemizing the rites of matrimony
between myuself and EmileneHuff do say that the consent has been obtained
from her Mother, her fathernow being dead.
signed by his mark John Griffin.
(The name is Griffith, butthis clerk spelled it Griffin.)
JaneiceCrosson Obed GRIFFITH – Salley WILLEY
Muskingum County, Ohio – Marriage Book I, 1802-1818. Obed Griffith and Salley Willey, Marriedon December 16, 1819 by S. Sims.
[Obed Griffith brought hisfamily to Schuyler County in 1833.]
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