1938 Estate of Julia A. Robeson

In the County Court of Schuyler County, Illinois. (Taken from the files in Box 449 in the office of the County Clerk of Schuyler County, Illinois.) No. 330.

Petition for Letters of Administration filed January 25, 1938; subscribed and sworn to by Elza Robeson and Miles Robeson, before Doane G. Trone, Clerk of the County Court of Schuyler County, Illinois, January 25, 1938 (Official seal affixed), represents that Julia A. Robeson departed this life in Schuyler County, Illinois, on or about December 20, 1937, leaving no last will and testament.

That the said Julia A. Robeson died seized and possessed of no personal estate. That said deceased left surviving her no husband, but left surviving her Elza Robeson and Miles Robeson her children her only heirs at law.

Prays that Letters of Administration issue to Elza Robeson.

Administrator’s Oath, filed January 25, 1938, subscribed and sworn to by Elza Robeson before Doane G. Trone, Clerk of the County Court, January 25, 1938. Official seal affixed.

Administrator’s bond, in the penal sum of $200.00, with Elza Robeson as principal and Miles Robeson and T. E. Bottenberg as sureties, filed and approved January 26, 1938.

Letters of Administration issued under seal of Court January 26, 1938, to Elza Robeson as Administrator of the estate of Julia A. Robeson, deceased.

Claim day set for the First Monday of March, 1938, being the 7th day of March, 1938.

Publisher’s Certificate of publishing notice of claim day filed March 18, 1938. Copy of notice attached gives notice that on April 4, 1938, Elza Robeson, Administrator of the Estate of Julia A. Robeson, Deceased, will appear before the County Court of Schuyler County, Illinois, at the Court House in Rushville, in said County, for the purpose of adjusting all claims against the estate of said deceased, at which time and place all claimants are notified and requested to attend and produce their claims in wirting against said estate for adjustment.

Certificate signed by Harry E. McLaren certifies that he is a member of a partnership composed of Harry E. McLaren and Howard F. Dyson, publishers, doing business under the firm of The Rushville Times Co., publishers of The Rushville Times, a public and secular newspaper of general circulation published weekly in the City of Rushville, Schuyler county, Illinois, and duly qualified to publish legal notices. Further certifies that said notice was published in said paper for three seccessive weeks, and a copy posted at the East Front Door of the Court House in Schuyler County, Illinois, on February 24, 1938; the first publication thereof having been made in the issue of said paper on February 23, 1938 and the last in the issue of said newspaper published on March 9, 1938.

In the Matter of the Estate of Julia A. Robeson, Deceased.


It being satisfactorily shown to the Court that Elza Robeson the Administrator of said estate, did fix upon the April 4th, A. D., 1938 of this Court, being within six months from the date of his being qualified as such Administrator for the adjustment of all claims against such decendent, and also proof was now here made to the Court that said Elza Robeson did cause due notice to be published in the Rushville Times, a secular weekly, public newspaper, printed and published in the City of Rushville in this county for more than six months prior to the first publication of said notice, and of general circulation in this county, and also by putting up a printed notice on the door of the court house, and in five other of the most public places in this county, thereby and therein notifying and requesting all persons having claims against such estate to attend at said term of this Court for the purpose of having the same adjusted; and it further appearing that said notices were published and posted in due time prior to said adjustment term, and in the manner as is prescribed by the statutes of this State, in such case made and provided and being fully advised in that behalf, on consideration, it is ordered and adjudged by the Court that the April 4th, A. D., 1938, of this Court is the “adjustment term” of said estate, and that due notice thereof has been given according to law.

John P. Crandall Judge.

Inventory filed and approved February 6, 1939. Inventories The undivided one-third interest in One Hundred Twenty (120) acres off the West side of the Sourth East Quarter of Section Ten (10), except the South Half of the South West Quarter of said South East Quarter of Section Ten (10), in Township Two (2) North of the Base Line, Range One (1) West of the Fourth Principal Meridian (and other lands), situate in Schuyler County, Illinois.

Final Report of Administrator filed February 4, 1939. Reports that he received of Elza Robeson and Miles Robeson, sole heirs at law of Julia A. Robeson, deceased, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness of said estate and costs of administration, the sum of $549.00 and disbursements of $549.00. Entry of Appearance and consent to approval of said report and discharge of administrator signed by Miles Robeson endorsed on final report. Further reports that all claims and indebtedness against said estate have been paid; that Elza Robeson and Miles Robeson are the children and sole and only heirs at law of Julia A. Robeson, deceased. Asks that report be approved and he discharged as such administrator.

Final Report approved and administrator discharged February 6, 1939.

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