Almshouse Register

Excerpted from The Combined History of Schuyler
and Brown Counties, Illinois. 1882
Bader Christian Church,Bader, Schuyler Co. IL.
Township History
Birmingham Township History
Township History
Brown County
Methodist Episcopal Church
Browning Township History
Buena Vista Township History
Camden Christian Church
Camden Township History
Christian Church
War Rosters
Frederick Township History
Hickory Township History
Huntsville Township History
Littleton Township History
Methodist Episcopal Church History
Methodist Epicopal Church, South, History
Newspaper History of Schuyler County, Illinois
Oakland Township History
Patron List, Bainbridge Township
Patron List, Birmingham Township
Patron List, Brooklyn Township
Patron List, Browning Township
Patron List, Buena Vista Township
List, Camden Township
Patron List, Frederick Township
Patron List, Hickory Township
Patron List, Huntsville Township
Patron List, Littleton Township
Patron List,Oakland Township
Patron List, City of Rushville
Patron List, Rushville Township
Patron List, Woodstock Township
Presbyterian Church
Rushville Township History
Township History

Excerpted from Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, 1892

Excerpted from Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois
and History of Schuyler County.
Bainbridge Township History
Birmingham Township History
Browning Township History
Brooklyn Township History
Buena Vista Township History
Camden Township History
Cholera Epidemic of 1834
Christian Church
Civil War Rosters
Civil War of Schuyler County, Illinois
Coming of the Pioneer Methodist
County Buildings
Courts of Schuyler County, Illinois
Episcopal Church
Township History
Hickory Township History
Post Routes, Railroads
History of Newspapers of Schuyler County, Illinois
Huntville Township History
Industrial Development
Littleton Township History
Methodist Episcopal Church History
Methodist Episcopal Church, South
Oakland Township History
Pioneer Settlers
Presbyterian Church History
Public School History
Rushville Township History
Woodstock Township History

Prairie Farmer Directory
Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois, 1918

Schuyler County & the California Gold Rush
Our California Boys, 1849
California Boys, 1850
Preparing for
California (excerpt from "A Trip Across the Plains, March 28th to October 27th, 1853" - by Mary Fetter (Hite) Sanford
The Manlove
California Gold Rush
Experiences (excerpts from "The Way to My Golden Wedding" by David R. Hindman, 1908

Schuyler County & the Oregon Trial
Joseph Gragg's Account of Terk
Ten Mile Prairie Indian Outbreak,Oregon
Oregon Trail Map
Oregon Trail in
Oregon Clickable Map
Trail of Hope Overland Diaries & Letters 1846-1869)

History of Bulter County, Kansas, 1916
Oliver P. Brumback Biography

A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans
Robert M. Bronaugh Biography
James Richard Bruner
Nathan T. Veatch Biography
George Washington Wingate Biography
W. T. & Charles Yoe Biography

Excerpted from "Old Times In
(articles originally prepared, written & published by Howard F. Dyson
in The Rushville Times 1918)
First Record of
The Military Tract
Evolution of County
First Settlement in
Schuyler's First Settlers
County Organized in 1825
Rushville Platted in 1826
Indians Here in 1826
The Second Wedding in the
Chauncey Hobart Tells of Those Early
Early Day Settlers
J. D. Manlove Recalls the Early
Rushville Grew Rapidly in
Rushville in 1836
First School in 1826 - Rushville High School
Incorporated in 1831
Schuyler Had Militia Company
Rushville in 1855
First Industry Started in
Frederick in 1859
History by Mrs. Bagby
Pork Packing in 1859
Two Routes Into
Town Sites Long Forgotten
(mentions towns of Atlas, Erie, Schuyler City, Milton, New York, Ague Bend, York, Richmond, Centerville, Ridgeville, Mosco, Mt.
Meacham, Newburg, Center, Illinois)
Snake Drive in Schuyler
Work of the Pioneer Woman
Rifle Was Needed Equipment (includes fur & peltry, bee hunting,rafting
logs,staves, & hoop-pole trades, steamboat business)
Had Crude Farm Implements
A Record for "Jug Town," Ripley,
Illinois (pottery business)

Excerpted from "Schuyler Citizen" Newspaper
A Cheap Ice House - Dec. 28, 1871
Rushville originally named Rushton - Dec 28, 1871
Includes C.B. & Q.R.R. (railroad), commissioners, churches, population, schools, newspaper.
Schuyler Citizen Newspaper Jan. 4, 1872
Article - "Suspended" - Rushville Foundry closed.
Article - "A Good Enterprise" - Grain Elevator.
Article - "Our Schools" - New school building opens.
Article - "Shorts" - M. E. church & school insured.
Rushville Presbyterian Sabbath School Annual Report - Jan. 11,
Rushville M. E. Sabbath School Annual Report - Jan. 11,1872
The Brooklyn Mill - Feb. 22, 1872
Change of Road - Feb. 22, 1872
A New Enterprise - Livery Stable - Feb. 29, 1872
Article - "A Coming Sensation" - Cooper & Iron Ore Mining
- March 7, 1872
Article - "Removal of the Dead" - March 7, 1872
(listing of bodies removed from Campell private burial ground. Names & dates of deaths & relocation mentioned.)
Article - "County Map" Schuyler Citizen Newspaper - March 14,
Biggist Orchard - Apr. 25, 1872
Corporation Election - Rushville board of tustee - Apr. 11,
Hardware Trade - Apr. 11, 1872
Railroad - Rushville & Buena Vista townships - Apr. 25,
Schuyler Presbytery - Apr. 25, 1872
Article - "The Tornado" - May 30, 1872
"Local News" - New church in Hickory Township
June 27,
School House - Dec. 21, 1872

Historical Schuyler County, Illinois
Historical Buildings Photographs & Postcards

Genealogically Speaking
Weekly column published in The Rushville Times with information furnished by officials of the Schuyler Jail Museum. These
articles contain wonderful genealogical information such as, Family Histories, book listings, old newspapers, vintage family items & Publications, and other
genealogy holding available at the Schuyler County Illinois Historical Jail Museum and Genealogical Center.
Moore Church Dedication Oct. 1883 .... Sept. - Dec 1999 (Article - Oct. 20, 1999)
January - April 2000 .... Articles - Gold Rush, Park Statues, Wheat Crop, Frederick Illinois Brick Yard, Jail Museum Chapel Room
heirlooms, & more.
May -
August 2000 .... Brick & Tile, Wagon & Carriage Factories, Birmingham Township, extinct towns of Erie &
Mable, Murder committed by Feilding Frame, Rushville High School 1900 graduates, Military, County Fair History, Katherine Nelson Davis Peom, Jail Museum
September - December 2000 .... Rushville Business, bandstand in Central Park Plaza,
Schuyler County Officials, Centerville, Woodstock Township, remedies & Medical hints, ferry business, manufacturing establishments, Hog confinements, Indian
January - April, 2001 .... Military Tract, Schuyler County
weather statistics, Guinea Brooklyn Township, medical hints, Superstitions, Bluff City
27, 2001 - August 2001 .... military memorabilia, few folk-lore sayings, medical terms, 1898, Instrumental band of
Brooklyn village, successful businessmen, Dean House in Frederick, Pleasantview, Schuyler County Fair, Arrival of the First Family in Schuyler, 1899 Chicago, 1862
Rushville schools, 1852 Ostfriesland letter
September - October 24, 2001 .... Woodstock township, 1919
First "Smiles Day", early Rushville papers, Articels Seventy-seven years ago - A story of Rushville letters
The Old Jail - A Short History
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